Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Icheoku says Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier are still languishing in prison while a traitor who took up arms against his own country, compromising its national security, is let go; released to pacify and appease an irate Israel still smacking their mouth over the reached Iranian nuclear deal. A capitulation or appeasement or sucking up to make up for the Iranian deal of some sort, one might argue? Icheoku says in the same vein, the Obama administration should similarly release Mumia as well as Peltier as what is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. 

Icheoku has nothing against the release of Jonathan Pollard as a lot of wheeling and dealing goes into international diplomacy and politics; but takes umbrage in the continued detention of Mumia Abu-Jamal who has been behind bars since his 1982 conviction for the murder of a Philadelphia policeman Faulkner as well as Leonard Peltier who is serving two consecutive life sentences for the 1977 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation murders of two FBI agents. Icheoku maintains that both of these men have served enough time for their alleged crimes and should therefore be similarly granted clemency too. So as the family of Jonathan Pollard celebrates this year's Thanksgiving for a real Thanksgiving gift of his release, Icheoku hopes that someday the families of Mumia and Leonard will similarly celebrate following their own release. Icheoku is hopeful too that just like the government did not oppose Jonathan Pollard's parole this time, they will similarly not be on the way when similar parole hearing is due and granted the duo here mentioned. Let freedom ring and it now rings for Jonathan Pollard.

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