Monday, July 27, 2015


Icheoku says there is no need waiting for the inevitable, the impending wiping out of his fortune, which hefty jury awards to the hordes of women bringing law suits against him, will bring about. A smart and calculating Bill Cosby will save himself and family that added misfortune by seizing the bull by its horn and making an audacious exit now. He has lived and enjoyed life well and long enough that exiting now will not be too much of an asking. He should seriously consider this option in order to leave a benevolent purse behind for his ever supportive wife and family; and in order not to let those who have succeeded in destroying him also get an upper hand over his fortune. 

Like late Enron's Ken Lay, Bill Cosby can put an end to all his current lingering women-troubles by quickly inducing himself to sleep from which he never wakes up again. Icheoku therefore urges Bill Cosby to man up, be of great courage or cowardice as some will term it, save whatever face is left of him and take the exit ramp off this world and do it now. Icheoku says lingering around any further can only spell doom to him, his family and fortune; as many more women, embolden by the current development in his past perverted sexual dalliances drama, will show up with law suits to try and collect their own share of whatever remains of his fortune as damages. Icheoku further opines that it is most likely that a sympathetic jury will graciously indulge these women and bountifully too. These potential jurors are part of the greater society which is appalled at what have so far dripped out from the Bill Cosby sexual perversion saga and which society have concluded that Bill Cosby has to pay a price for his unlawful indiscretions. Icheoku says, Bill Cosby, end this your problem now, just do it. 

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