Wednesday, July 22, 2015


50 cent courtIcheoku says the world has not heard the last of the lifestyle of the "rich and famous" as Curtis Jackson aka 50 Cents, told an astonished bankruptcy court that his bling bling lifestyle is a mere optical illusion, a complete fantasy. During his bankruptcy proceeding, Fif-tie testified that he makes only ten cents on each record sold and that all the jewels and flashy cars he flashes go back to their dealers once the promotional event is over. That in actuality, he is not worth anything near the projections being made about his riches. According to Fif-tie, 'one gets a bullseye painted on one's back once one becomes rich and successful, as so many people wants a slice off the cake. But unfortunately, he is not that rich and therefore needs protection of the court in order to survive. 

50 Cents is worth a mere 4.4 million dollars, including 380 million cents he made from record sales; a total far cry from the estimated 155 million dollars net-worth ascribed to him by Forbes Magazine. Icheoku says this is mostly true in life, as many people who people envy and wish they are or could be like, often have it tougher than could be imagined. Ditto with people supposedly having a marital bliss but who behind closed doors, are in a living hell. Most times is all about putting up appearance of the Jones and nothing more. So today, learn to curb your enthusiasm and also how to make do with what you have. Learn to be happily fulfilled within you ways and means as contentment is the key. To 50 Cents, Icheoku says then please tone it down and live within your means; learn to live a life of moderation and stop all these flashy, flashy, bam, bam, unsupported lifestyle if you cannot afford to pay claims and damages against you. Keep it real and say no to fakery.

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