Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Icheoku says apparently tired of killing brothers, it is now time to face down sisters and put them down too; in their unspoken word, exemplified by their actions, that black lives don't matter. White police officers of America killing black people and now in Texas, the official capital punishment headquarters of America, where their Huntsville death chambers never stops churning, with smell of death by lethal injection ever hanging in the air. Admitted, the saying "don't mess with Texan" should normally put everyone and anyone coming in contact with any Texan on notice, but unfortunately Sandra Bland, a transplant from Illinois, seemingly was not informed ahead of time of this standing rule and she paid dearly with her life. Icheoku does not care whether it was suicide as they claimed (was it voluntary); but was she suicidal before the officer bundled her into detention or did she suddenly develop the flavor to take her own life while in the custody of Texas Sheriff? 

Icheoku is not here to solve the death mystery of Ms Sandra Bland but only to add voice to the cries of the continuing death in the hands of white police officers of black people in America. A beautiful lady who was stopped for not signaling a lane change, was handed a written warning and instead for the officer to walk back to his patrol car and end of story, observed that Ms Bland seemed irritated? The very intrusive officer, who apparently is engrossed in his power and feeling on top of the world, then went further to ask a person within her own space, right inside her own car, smoking a cigarette, to put out her cigarette? Icheoku says if the officer was not comfortable with second-hand smoking, inhaling her cigarette smoke, why did he not space out from her and just move away and back to his patrol vehicle afterall he has already finished the reason for pulling her over and should have left her to be and alone. But of course nope, she was black and the white officer felt he can have his way with her, however he chooses. He ordered her out of her vehicle with threat to light her up, she complied. He ordered her to move to the curbside, she complied. He ordered her to put down her phone, she compiled. Yet he still went ahead to put handcuffs on her and succeeded in provoking her enough and to the extent that made her to lose her minds and allegedly "kicked and punched the officer?" So query, since when did smoking in one's own vehicle become an offense? As far as Icheoku is concerned, the officer escalated the situation by not walking away and back to his patrol vehicle after the reason for initially stopping her was completed with the written warning which he issued her, period. 

Icheoku says any person in that lady's position, especially a black person, with the racial prejudicial records of white police officers against black people in America, including needlessly often stopping them in traffic, will be equally horn-mad angry, thus eliciting the altercation which took place. A clear case of a white police man feeling all powerful and out to confirm their race's usual stereotyping of the black person as very angry. What was his business inquiring if someone he just stopped and issued a written warning was irritated or did he expect her to be joyous? What was his business asking someone, who was minding her own business trying to contain her emotion with smoking a cigarette and in her own vehicle, her own very space, to put the cigarette out?  Why did the officer linger on after his duty was discharged and not move back to his patrol vehicle if not to goad her into additional trouble? Why did the officer not let her remain in her vehicle until a backup arrives? Icheoku is emphatic that the white police officer unduly overreached himself by continuing to irritate the lady with his nonsensical questions long after completing his reason for her stop and therefore forced the issue leading to the subsequent arrest. Icheoku is curious whether this officer expected her not to blow her fuse under the circumstance or who wouldn't?  It simply does not make sense but adds to the ongoing cat and mouse game that is white police officers and black people's relationship in America. 

Now she is dead and someone says she killed herself by hanging right inside the police cell? Icheoku is not buying this story neither is Icheoku stating the obvious; but warns that everyone and anyone messes with a Texan at his or her own peril. Icheoku says Texas scares the shitload out of many including Icheoku and is one of those flyover states for Icheoku as there is no need tempting faith being there. It was in the same Texas that two white men, sometime ago, hog-tied a black man behind their pickup hitch and dragged him through rural roads until he completely disintegrated. Yes, Texas is a scary place to be a blackman and now a black woman who was threatened with being lighted up ends up being lighted out, her lights permanently put out. White police officer Brian Encina, a rookie, eager to throw his weight around and over a black person, arrested a black lady for alleged "assault on a public servant". An assault which he personally provoked and now the lady is dead; committed suicide in a police holding cell after three days of being held without charging her to court? Icheoku says who is fooling who and whose version of the story should America believe; except that there is now only one version as the lady is dead and gone forever? RIP Sandra Bland.

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