Monday, July 20, 2015


Icheoku says on a day that would have been his to shine, the constellations conspired to simultaneously throw up so many other world events, more important than just a visiting black African president. That was the fate of President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria on a private visit to President Barack Obama of the United States of America. Except for the photo-ups and passive mention of it in the media, nobody outside the Nigerian community knew that a President of Nigeria named Muhammadu Buhari is in America visiting the White House. 

Icheoku states that despite what his management team would like for Nigerians back home to believe was an historic visit to the White House, it passed as a none event overall; as a near total media blackout of the event made many Americans ignorant of the visit, not that they cared anyway nor would care, regardless. Icheoku monitored the three major Networks - NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, ABC World Evening News with David Muir as well as Cables CNN, FOX and MSNBC to gauge the Americans interest in the President Muhammadu Buhari's visit to President Barack Obama and it was close to zilch. It did not make any headline, nor any extended coverage nor narrative either. 

But it is understandable as the visit is not a state visit but a private visit to President Barack Obama. Moreso, Nigeria is such a gravely damaged country which nobody is interested in, that it is going to take a miracle worker to burnish its image to the point that these heavily prejudiced White people with their crass racism, will start paying attention to it and what is happening therein. One Buhari personal visit to Barack ain't gonna cut it as the country's image is in the deep sewer and will need more than a mere laundry to make it shine again. Icheoku agrees that it is not President Muhammadu Buhari's fault, admitted the onus is now on him to try and repair the broken humpty-dumpty to whatever extent possible. But a very daunting task it is really indeed and one Buhari cannot and will not get it accomplished. It took a long time to get where it is and it will take a longer time to get it out. 

Icheoku says the PMB visit to Washington could not have happened at a worse time than when so many events, more attention-grabbing and of historical nature, are taking place simultaneously both in Washington DC and around the world. First, Cuba just flag-mounted in Washington DC, an American soil; re-opening their embassy for the first time since the 1961 diplomatic freeze between the two countries. Second, Islamic terrorists ISIS inspired and organized bombing attack in Turkey killed so many Turkish people and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed a punishing reiteration. Third, Iranian Nuclear Deal with the West was approved by the United Nations Security Council and Fourth, the economically-challenged and comatose Greece just reopened their banks.  All these left the whole watching world giddy with expectation on how all these unravelling events will eventually pan out. 

Now, this is the time President Muhammadu Buhari is visiting the White House and somebody please tell Icheoku that any serious news editor will assign more coverage to it or additional correspondents to the White House to cover such a visit in lieu of all these other developing wild-fire stories. Then add the racist pig Donald Trump's thumping of Senator John McCain's war hero status plus the Highway 10 viaduct linking Arizona and California that collapsed and you have a perfect storm against PMB's visit to Washington. 

But regardless, it was good that President Muhammadu Buhari was invited to visit like every other newly elected president of Nigeria usually is. The usual unspoken purpose, to read the riot act of his dos and don'ts and the expectations of the American government of his administration. Icheoku says to that extent of conforming to this somewhat established tradition of the American government inviting newly elected Nigerian leaders to the White House, the visit was mission accomplished; but there is nothing more to gloat about with President Muhammadu Buhari being invited to the White House. It is normal and to an extent routine and ordinary; so Nigerians, especially those Buharists and APC rabble rousers should not needlessly disturb the peace of Nigerians that PMB went to America, invited by President Barack Hussein Obama.  

Icheoku says the only two things that stood out from their Oval Office meeting were President Obama assuring that America is ready to discuss "how we can be helpful in addressing the issues that have held Nigeria down"; and President Muhammadu Buhari's saying that "we (Nigeria) will forever be grateful" for America's meddling in Nigeria's election. Anyway, Icheoku wishes President Muhammadu Buhari and his delegation a peaceful stay while their visit lasts and a safe flight back home to go start the heavy lifting that governance is and without any further delay or more ado. Goodluck and all the best to Team Buhari.

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