Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Icheoku says the Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer, who would rather pay to take life than to save life, paid a whopping $55,000.00 just to snuff the life out of a world famous and adorable lion with the black mane named Cecil in the African country of Zimbabwe. Icheoku queries how sadistic is this man who would do this bloodletting and paid for the right to carry out the gory orgy. Only a wacko drives joy in seeing any life taken, regardless whether a protected human life or in this case, the life of a majestic king of the jungle, whose pride has now been left without a head. Worse still, he and his gang of despicable trio, laid in wait, lured the lion out from its sanctuary and killed it just to satisfy their penchant for gaming wild animals. 

Icheoku asks why would this dentist prefer animals dead than alive if not that he is a bloody jackal and you wonder how many unnecessary root canals he had recommended and performed just to continue to be able to afford his weird habit of gunning down wild animals just for the fun of it. Icheoku says regardless, if this man is my dentist, Icheoku will walk in protest and could not imagine what drives this kind of ruthless fascination to just kill such majestic animals for fun instead of paying for their conservation. This man could have done a whole lot of good with the $55,000.00 helping the needy and helpless of society, but he did not. His selfishness confined him into just satiating his bloody past-time and for a hefty amount that would have bettered the lives of so many needy Americans, many of whom will be sleeping under the overpass tonight and some on empty stomachs too. Icheoku hereby calls for the boycott of and a continued protest at his dental practice until he makes a full mea culpa with an amount in excess of what he paid to kill Cecil also paid by him into some conservation efforts or to some Wild Life protection Fund. Walter Palmer DDS, Icheoku says stop killing wild animals so that posterity would have something for the children and the unborn to someday look at.
A sign posted on the door of Walter Palmer's dental practice on July 28, 2015.

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