Sunday, June 21, 2015


Icheoku says in view of the recent ban of the killer noodles, NestlĂ© Maggi 2 Minute Noodles, in India because of its high content of lead and Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), what is Nigeria and other impoverished countries of Africa doing to, in that respect, protect their citizens from harm and unnecessary death from cancer, liver and kidney diseases attributed to such noodles consumption? Icheoku says it is without doubt that kidney and liver diseases cases have skyrocketed in Nigeria since the introduction of some of these quick-fix meals and people have been dying as a result without the government rising up to the occasion to do something about it. So now that the Indian government have braved it and banned this high toxic instant meals, will Nigeria, following their lead, similarly act to protect her own over-exposed citizens by closing its market to these killer noodles? Will Nigeria man up and say to these corporate mercenaries to stop poising and killing her citizens with their toxic products? Icheoku says they should, because that is the best proactive measure towards safeguarding her citizens from harm and death occasioned by these hazardous products.

There is no gainsaying or second guessing the fact that over exposure or consumption of lead leads to health problems including cancer; and these noodles have been proved to contain excessive amount of lead in them. It is also a scientific fact that MSG adversely affects kidney and liver function as their residue and byproducts are not easily processed by these organs, hence  their accumulation causes liver cirrhosis and kidney failures. Icheoku asks what is the government of Nigeria, through its NAFDAC, doing to ensure that the same Nestle` killer noodles being sold in Nigeria and consumed by  Nigerians does not have such high concentration of poisonous lead and MSG as the ones perish sold in India; but which has now been banned from the Indian market in order to save the Indian people from needless deaths. Icheoku says Mono Sodium Glutamate is known for its bleaching properties which makes it easily usable as washing agent (magi-white) in bleaching white clothes. So, in the same vein, when excessively consumed, it corrodes the walls of the stomach as well as intestines, leading to ulcer, colon and stomach cancers? 

Therefore, should such product that is known to have this killer propensity still be allowed to freely sell in Nigeria markets, its attendant downsides considered? Icheoku says it should not; and as India has done, so should Nigeria and other countries similarly close their markets to this killer-noodles until their corporate manufacturers and marketers make them safe for human consumption. Excessive lead and MSG are purposely used in making these noodles to boost their quantity and easy addiction and therefore, being purely profit driven, their producers should  be forced to improve their Q&C and reduce the lead and MSG content of these noodles. Icheoku commends India’s  ban of this killer Nestle` Maggi instant noodles over safety concerns and with it now being withdrawn from Indian markets to protect Indian consumers, urges Nigeria to similarly so do in order to protect her own citizens from untimely death from liver, kidney and cancer attributable to excessive lead and Mono Sodium Glutamate. All these for profit corporations, whose greed almost always takes precedent over consumers health, especially in developing countries, must be told enough. Icheoku therefore calls on Nigeria government to ban Nestle`s instant noodles from the Nigeria market and NOW.

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