Saturday, June 20, 2015


Icheoku says this commentary is not going to dwell on the murders per se because it is no longer a big deal in America that people are routinely, senselessly killed. What is news here and the subject of our commentary is the pattern of these mass murders and the race of the people that continuously perpetrate them - white people, the domestic terrorists of our time. A people and a culture that seem to have zero regard for human lives and who have no scruples taking the life of anyone within their cross-hairs, regardless of the person's age or circumstance or even the supposed sanctity of the place wherein they cornered their victims. 

They have massacred pupils and  kindergartners; they have bombed children in daycare center to smithereens; they have murdered Sikhs right inside their temple; they have murdered Muslims; they have killed Christians; they have killed Jews; they have killed unbelievers; they have killed pagans; they have killed college students; they have killed high school students; they have massacred movie goers; they have killed shoppers; they have killed cab drivers; they have taken a shot at a congress woman; they have even killed presidents; they have killed convenient store owners and their clerks; they have killed doctors in their consulting rooms; they have killed postal workers; they have killed professors; they have killed grandmas and grandpas; their children have killed their parents and parents have also killed their children. Most times, their instrument of choice are usually guns, guns and more guns. This is despite the strong law enforcement in the United States of America, where over three million bad eggs are already securely locked up behind bars and you wonder if not for such strong law enforcement, which have successfully taken this great number of criminals out of circulation, what a killing field America would have indeed been? 

So the latest killings in Charleston South Carolina of black American Christians as they studied their bible is not necessarily unique; admitted coincidentally, it appears to be a hate crime since the suspect is from across the racial aisle in America, being white, while his victims were black. Icheoku says those killed could have been any other person or group of persons and killed by any person, including one of their own. It is America and in America, people kill people and are also themselves killed by other persons daily. In America, it is steadily becoming arguable that everyone and anyone is a potential killer, walking and only waiting for his or her head to go off and people are dead. It also does not matter the color of their skin as practically everyone in America is a racist or has some racist views or nurses some degree of racism in them. Unfortunately, a fired bullet does not necessarily see the color of those persons falling down as a result of being fired and who lay dead or dying at the other side  of the smoking gun's barrel's end. All that matters is that an irate person has decided that some people or person will die in their hand and they then go about bringing it to fruition and seeing it happen. It also does not matter where or when, as those killers could just happen upon their victims and simultaneously dispatch them without any provocation or meaningful reason; except where it is premeditated such as the Charleston church massacre.

In July 1993, the law firm of Pettit & Martin in San Francisco was targeted by an irate divorcee, Gian Ferri; and at the end of his shooting spree, eight lawyers lay daed in addition to himself, with a self-inflicted gun-shot wound to the head; an action which ended the existence of a once thriving power law firm. Since then, there have been series of mass killings in America including in Killeen Texas where in October 1991, a man shot twenty three people to death before killing himself; in Jonesboro Arkansas where in March 1998, when four students and a teacher were killed; in Littleton Colorado where in April 1999, two students of Columbine High killed twelve of their classmates and a teacher before dying of self inflicted gunshot wounds themselves; in Atlanta Georgia in July 1999 when a stock trader lost it and went berserk, killing twelve people including his wife and two children before also taking his own life; in Red Lake Minnesota where in March 2005, a boy killed nine people before taking his own life too; in Blacksburg Virginia in April 2007 where a student of Virginia Tech took the lives of thirty two students before killing himself; in San Fernando Valley California in October 2008, a man killed his wife, mother-inlaw, three children and himself over "extreme money problems;" in Covina California in December 2008 where a Father Christmas killed nine people at a Christmas eve party before committing suicide. 

Continuing, in Wilmington California where in January 2009 a man who just lost his job killed his wife and three children because his former employer while firing him told him to better go blow his brains out; in Binghamton New York in April 2009 where a man killed thirteen people; in Fort Hood Texas in November 2009 where an army psychiatrist killed thirteen people inside a military base; in Oakland California in April 2012 where a student killed seven of his classmates including a Nigerian Doris Chibuko inside their Oikos University classroom. According to the gunman, "I killed one, why not two, three and I kept on going until I ran out of ammunition, why not?" In Aurora Colorado in July 2012, where a man killed twelve movie goers inside a movie theater; in Oak Creek Wisconsin in August 2012 where six Sikh people where killed inside a their temple by a skinhead who later committed suicide; in Newton Connecticut in December 2012 where a gunman killed twenty six people including twenty children at Sandy Hook elementary and his own mother before killing himself; in Miami Florida in July 2013 where a renter killed six people in his apartment complex before being killed by the police; in Washington DC in September 2013 where a contractor killed twelve people inside a Naval base before being killed by the police and lastly in August 2014 in Goleta California where a man killed his parents and two sons as well as the family dog simply because, according to him, "their murders was his destiny?" 

This is just but a few of the wanton mass killings in the United States of America just within the last decade. So in a broader sense, the Charleston church murders is not entirely out of place but just another statistic to the bloody murders in an American society that increasingly now seems numbed with these deaths and killings. So why this preference for gun settlement of issues and disputes one may ask?  Without a doubt, the answer points directly at the NRA obstruction of any sensible gun control laws and the easy availability of guns in America. According to these crazed out folks, why negotiate anything or even discuss disputations when you can just end it swiftly with a gun; and a zero-patience Americans are mining this easy availability of guns to the fullest. People are dying but who cares, definitely not the NRA and in any other event, the funeral industry have some business to do anyway?

Icheoku sometimes wonders if there is any deity in America that must drink the crimson liquid every now and then, the reason for all these senseless killings in America? Could it possibly be that there is a Dracula in America that gravitates towards the liquid and forces the hands of these killers; otherwise how else does anyone possibly try to explain these agonizing mayhem that Americans are forced to deal with and which are so often visited on them? What causes this wanton spillage of human blood in the supposedly God's own country or has Satan seized total control of the country and now has to be periodically pacified and appeased with bloody human sacrifice? As the bible tells us, the God of Abraham and Moses does not accept nor partake of human sacrifice as Isaac's would be sacrifice shows, so it cannot be God causing all these blood letting in America? So if it is not God and it is God's own country, has Lucifer effectively taken over America and is now directing affairs including human sacrifices? Icheoku says were these latest victims Muslims, may be their killings would have somehow been explained as a revenge attack against what ISIS or Boko Haram or Muslim Brotherhood or even Al Querida are doing to Christians over there. But no, those killed in Charleston church are Christians and Icheoku wonders what is possibly the morbid explanation for it? 

If as accepted they are Christians, does it mean that the color of their skin made them less Christians or not real Christians to warrant their being specifically targeted for elimination by this crackhead Dylan Roof? Or rather did this knucklehead killer buy into the late Reverend Jerry Falwell's teaching that white people have and worship a different God from the one black people have and worship, hence he decided that killing them is not a big deal or sinful enough since their own God is different and he will not be wrongly judged by his own white people's God? But answers to all these questions are not that far fetched because they can be surmised in just one word - terrorism, domestic terrorism. These killers are all products of a society that knowing or unknowingly breeds these racial warriors, who strongly believe in the white supremacy and the need and their obligation to guard it jealously with all they got. 

Imagine the State of South Carolina, where the massacre took place, is still flying slaves-owners Confederate flags in the state over several centuries since the abolition of slavery and the following civil war to specifically end it in America. Therefore should anyone still wonder why Dylan Flood would not think and act as he did, believing he has a solemn task to perform and that he has the tacit support of the entire state of South Carolina to try and run black people out of town. Icheoku says this killer is regrettably, equally a victim of the racist American society that fosters and encourages such despicable behavior through the regard of some people as inferior to and beneath others. Anyway, enough of the excursion; Dylann Storm Roof has now effectively morphed into a domestic terrorist and his types are known to kill just anyone and everyone who makes their day, regardless. It is equally of note that Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh, Jeffery Dahmer and now Dylan Flood are all white Americans and they all shared one thing in common - they terrorized Americans right inside here in America. But are they being called out for what they are? You decide.

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