Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Icheoku says it is no longer a question of if but when, handcuffs will be slammed on the wrists of the now resigning and soon to be disgraced former president of FIFA, Sepp Blatter. The facilitator of the bribery himself and the man now officially known as the Whistle Blower of FIFA, Chuck Blazer, has spoken and what he said is rather very damaging. He admitted that he, alongside other executives of FIFA were in the habit of demanding and accepting bribes to influence their decision as to where FIFA organized tournaments are held. In other words this executive has literally confessed to their committing a crime. Bribery, which could pass for lobbying in the United States, is usually given to influence an outcome. The crime inhers in the guilty mind to influence a predetermined outcome; so a smarter FIFA executives would have deferred receiving those perks until after such tournaments are completed, in which case they will no longer be bribes but become mere gratuity from a happy host country, which is not an offense nor punishable. 

Icheoku insists that there is no possible scenario whatsoever wherein such bribe taking FIFA executives can exclude their president, the boss who must sign off on all of these deals, from all the main need to know bribery process and also in sharing the booty of their criminal behavior. Therefore Icheoku asserts that Sepp Blatter is as guilty if not more guilty than this canary singing with a very high pitched tone and telling the world, yes we took bribes. Icheoku says there cannot be any better evidence than that of a percipient witness who is prepared to go on oath, especially one also facing some time in the big house. Anyway, just take a good look at the fat stomach of Chuck Blazer and judge for yourself that may be no additional evidence is needed or required than a stomach which speaks volume of what FIFA bribery has purchased for him. Then don't forget to look at the squirrelly eye of Jack Warner, whose greed to shortchange Chuck of his own cut, forced Chuck to rat. Let somebody now please tell Icheoku that Sepp Blatter is not in neck deep in this lagoon of corruption that is surely going to drown him.

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