Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Icheoku's most favorite television channel is National Geography, especially when they bring into our living rooms, the real life situation of wild animals in Africa's Serengeti National Wildlife, the Mara River Wildebeest annual migration and such shows of other 'top-dog' animals of the vast plains and jungles of Africa. Icheoku affirms that were humanity to trade places with these jungle dwellers, the United States of America will certainly be lions, the king of the jungle. Like the lions which are not afraid of any animals, the United States of America is not afraid of anybody. Like the lions which take on and take down any animal they determinedly want to, regardless of size or famed viciousness, be it elephant, giraffe, water buffalo, hyena etc - just name it, the United States of America takes on and takes down any person or country that detrimentally mixed things up for them. So like the lions which are not afraid of making a go at it of anything, the United States of America similarly does not and have now trained their eyes on Sepp Blatter. Icheoku says unfortunately for Sepp Blatter, the end can only go one way - Sepp Blatter is going down  and Sepp Blatter will go down hard. 
So when Icheoku opined just a few days ago, precisely on May 31st that Sepp Blatter can and should still resign regardless of having won a reelection as FIFA president, Icheoku made this call based on some analytical data that what America wants, America usually gets; and even if it takes moving the mountain or going to the end of the earth to have their way, America always so do. When the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with its nearly infinite resources, announced that FIFA officials are being indicted for corruption, Icheoku concluded that, summarily, brings the reign of Sepp Blatter to an end. From historical perspective, there is no way the Department of Justice will be investigating Sepp Blatter's underlings for corruption without him being their main target. The DOJ are merely trying to first sweep away the little shrubs around before making their way to the big iroko. As is usual with their modus operandi, they will turn the little guys against their boss - get the little guys, make a deal with them and make them rat against their big boss. 
This is exactly where the investigation is now finally headed, the arrest and indictment and trial of Sepp Blatter for corruption. So query, how can a boss of FIFA who has been in charge of the organization since 1998, a total of eighteen years, not be aware that such gross corruption as saw 150 million dollars exchange hands took place in the organization? Icheoku says it is either he is a partaker of the criminality or he is an incompetent buffoon who did not know what was going on in a place he is supposed to be in charge of and should therefore be held liable for gross negligence and incompetence, regardless. A crime usually can be either a commission or an omission, especially where one is in authority such as a FIFA president over FIFA. But Icheoku is not buying and refuses to buy into the bullcrap claim of innocence by Sepp Blatter and it seems, neither does America too. So having smelt blood in the water, the Department of Justice, it would appear, are now dizzying for the final kill.  
Sepp Blatter, in short, instituted the corruption sleaze that is suffocating the FIFA and this is the only reason he always wins every election or rather coronation as president of the body since ascending the throne of FIFA in 1998. The other buzzards around him knew the kind of money they are making with him as the helmsman, so why would they disturb the gravy train that keep on churning by taking a chance with electing a total outsider to come and disturb their fun? As Icheoku called on our two previous articles, we again repeat, that a total outsider, the proverbial stranger who did not know that a king named Joseph once ruled the land, is the best person needed at this moment to sanitize the rot that is FIFA. Such a no nonsense seasoned administrator should come to FIFA, armed with a meat cleaver not a surgical scalpel, and do the needful in order to salvage FIFA. FIFA needs a new lease of life an in order to save a FIFA that is currently on life's support. Icheoku therefore says it is good for the mankind of soccer (football) that the face of FIFA and its bottomless sewer of corruption, Sepp Blatter, finally got the message and is now on his way out; which of course is the only possible outcome of his current debacle of presiding over a corruption infested FIFA. Good riddance.

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