Saturday, June 6, 2015


Icheoku commends the Chinese people and government for speedily salvaging their stricken 'Eastern Star' ferry that went Titanic last Monday night in the Yangtze River.  Unfortunately however, majority of the 456 people that went down with the ferry were not lifted out alive with the boat on Friday, although their drowned bodies were. Of the total passengers aboard the ill fated ferry, only 14 people including the ship's captain have so far been found alive, 396 bodies have been recovered while 46 others are still missing. 
Icheoku commiserates with  the bereaved families, the Chinese people and government, for   their very tragic and painful loss. Icheoku cannot begin to imagine the agony of families left behind who are now wondering what went wrong and what freak accident turned a fun sightseeing outing on a scenic river into watery deaths for so many and presented an existing nightmare for so many others alive. May the souls of  all the Yangtze River drowned, now rest in peace. 

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