Sunday, June 7, 2015


Icheoku says in as much as it is the surest way to keep unsuspecting would be victims protected and carriers at bay from further spreading their death-virus, the latest trend in South Africa to permanently mark people living with the HIV/AIDS virus seems to be rather too invasive and overreaching? These people are victims themselves and as people suffering from a disease, further traumatizing them by marking them in this way is rather inhumane and should have been avoided, regardless. But when viewed against the background of those wicked people who knowingly infect people with the virus, by intentionally spreading it, then any measure taken to arm people with notice of carriers, including tattooing sufferers with HIV marker, may seem rather very urbane. When the Kenya girl who intentionally infected over three hundred people with the virus just to avenge her own victim-hood is recalled, then President Zuma's government's decision to place indelible marker on victims and sufferers might not be too mean afterall. 

President Jacob Zuma recently signed into law a bill that will require or rather compel every person who tests positive for HIV/AIDS virus in South Africa to have a marker around their pubic area indicating their positive status. According to the promoters of the legislation, it is to protect those who cannot say no to sex; which in the words of the president, "If you cannot read between the lines, you should be able to read between the legs or around that region because that's where the status will be indelibly marked.' Continuing, the president said that the choice to be HIV positive is now not only in your hands but also "in your pubic region or genitals for that matter?" 

As to display his leadership by example style, President Jacob Zuma now also wears the mark of the beast around his pubic region, admitted, his is still negative. Icheoku says so when next you sleep with any South African, make sure the place of coitus is well lit up and enough to read in between his or her legs or genital or around the pubic area. If you see the sign, the mark of the beast, then abandon everything and run as fast as your legs can carry you away from your potential killer. Do not say you have not been warned and now duly placed on notice with this marker; except you are so drunk on quenching your libido fire that the sign don't at that moment matter to you. But it might be a decision you will live to regret later, so learn to pull back and suck it up. Icheoku agrees that the South African government, by this measure, are proactively protecting those still without the virus and who wants to be helped with not getting the virus. 

Icheoku adds, imagine what a corruption-free South African it will be were every corrupt person there, including President Jacob Zuma, to have their corruption status marked on their forehead in like manner? Why not, just an idea whose time has since come and which is worth experimenting with? But hey, at least the president have started the marking on HIV/AIDS positives, so who knows where it will eventually lead to, as the world of South Africa are now witnessing the biblical marking of the beast debut in their country. Icheoku says another first for South Africa and hopefully it will checkmate the wildfire like spread of that killer-virus in that country of Nelson Mandela. The measure, if successful, might also prove itself worthy of replication throughout all those other HIV/AIDS virus ravaging countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Icheoku says nice experiment though; so now before you say yes or do, ask to see the mark, your marker please?

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