Sunday, May 24, 2015


Icheoku says you know it is finally over and finished, the fight to stop institutionalized  sodomy in the world, when one of the staunchest Catholic Christian country, Ireland, officially joins the bandwagon of championing gay causes; now becoming a gay ally, having spread-out the welcome mat for gay marriage.  May be the next stop in this march by fiery-eyed gay activists to conquer the entire world and turn it into another biblical Sodom and Gomorrah will be the seat of the Holy Sea, Vatican City Rome? Now you know why President Jonathan of Nigeria was forced out of Aso  Rock, his signing into law an anti-gay marriage law which the gay-world considered a sacrilege. A threat to the spreading of their lifestyle in Nigeria and throughout Africa which must be responded to and they  successfully engineered Jonathan's ouster. To the gay lobby and activists, anything considered a threat or which is standing in the way of completely routing the world with sodomy must be mercilessly crushed and completely eradicated. 

Gay-dom is marching on and is gradually proving unstoppable. Now they have added Ireland to the list of their so far captured countries and have set their eyes on other countries that have not yet been overrun. Their machine of spread was such that even the Catholic Church in Ireland was so overwhelmed that they decided to look the other way, petrified and  trembling, while the gay armada rolled through their country and into history books as Ireland now becomes a gay-marriage friendly country. With all the votes now counted, the pro-gay votes won by over 63% to officially make Ireland a place where gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals can now freely pry their same-sex and other sexes trade. 

Icheoku says for such a predominately Catholic country to now no longer see anything wrong or immoral with sodomy shows that Christianity itself has spiraled out of its axis and is now hustling in a free fall into perdition. Otherwise how does anyone in Ireland explain the sudden somersault from the long held Christian believe that sodomy is both wrong, immoral and against God's laws which strictly forbade it as an abomination? But no, they caved in to a well-funded, well-oiled and well-orchestrated machine of gay activism on a roll through patron Saint Patrick's own country. A group that desires to have all nations on earth fall under their jackboot of activism  and force upon the world a lifestyle shared by only less than 3% of the world's population? But hey, Ireland has spoken and Ireland is now a gay marriage country, so to Ireland all the LGBTs of the world, especially those from countries that have not yet legalized gaydom, are now headed to party like it is 1999. Congratulations LGBT on your victory in Ireland and Icheoku asks,  what has become of this world and its original institution of marriage between man and woman as we know it?

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