Saturday, May 23, 2015


Icheoku asks what went down at London's 10 Downing Street that Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari was left standing outside at the door, like an errand messenger boy, in breach of all known protocols? Icheoku believes that Muhammadu Buhari went there at the invitation of or with knowledge of officials of Prime Minister David Cameron, so they cannot plead that they were not aware of his presence and therefore should have treated him with much better decorum, befitting a man of his status and what he represents. Icheoku admonishes that for the British Prime Minister David Cameron's officials to stand Nigeria's President-elect Muhammadu Buhari outside 10 Downing Street, even for a trifle moment, is not a good show or display of camaraderie nor a nice diplomatic nicety between both countries. Icheoku therefore calls on Nigeria government to vehemently protest this treatment of the elected president by the British Prime Minister David Cameron office as it is both demeaning and unpalatable diplomatic letdown. 

Icheoku asks why treat Muhammadu Buhari with such ignominy, abandoned at the door and waiting to be let into 10 Downing Street. It shows that those British people don't care about black people especially Africans; moreso, when they are Nigerians, the reason they treated its leader with such levity. Where was Prime Minister David Cameron's protocol officials and why did they not let Muhammadu Buhari in and even if the Prime Minister was not ready to see him just yet, despite being on a scheduled visit, kept him inside a waiting room or tea room pending when time permits for them to see.  Icheoku had warned but Nigerians did not hear nor listen that the Western powers that forced President Jonathan out of Aso Rock did not do so out of love for Nigeria but in order to stop the developmental progress of the past years. Now look at the disrespect shown to the same man they championed his election and you wonder what did Muhammadu Buhari do to deserve this treatment. 

When this people are visiting Nigeria, even if it is their ordinary Secretary of State or Foreign Secretary, the whole government of Nigeria will remain standing still to cater to their heart desires until they depart Nigeria; but they will not reciprocate such goodwill when Nigerian officials, including their president-elect visits them?  It shows that this white people don't really care a hoot about black people, neither do they like them and would readily treat everything about them with willful indifference. Icheoku knows this first hand and would safely vouchsafe that possibly behind that 10 Downing Street door, they will be peeping at a standing Muhammadu Buhari and mouthing, 'this African ecstatic again, look at his outfit' and wondering whether he has only one of it? Anyway it is the cross Nigerians have to bear for the next four years, having elected a president who is now stood up and outside of 10 Downing Street London, waiting to be allowed in. 

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