Monday, May 25, 2015


Icheoku says when the villains of the lost presidential election 2015 of President Goodluck Jonathan are counted, Governor Rotimi Amaechi will certainly occupy the topmost number one position, followed by several others in that sequence. So the necessary question remains, will he ever be forgiven by his people of the South-south Niger Delta region for selling out their zone's  hold on the presidency without much in return or as compensation? Is it a fair trade that in lieu of his region's presidency, he now ended up as a mere hustler in the presidency of a Hausa/Fulani Muhammadu Buhari? A president-elect who can summarily travel out to London to meet with the British Prime Minister David Cameron without the single courtesy or decency of even an honorable mention of the trip to Amaechi, his glorified presidential campaign director;  following which Amaechi had to scurry to London, chasing after Buhari, just to present an air of still being a factor and included in the fast emerging Muhammadu Buhari inner power house? Why would this jostling around power be more valued to Rotimi Amaechi  rather than his brother remaining the president of Nigeria? Icheoku says, had he secured the vice presidency, my be his people will at least still have some consolatory prize for their loss of the presidency; but Rotimi Amaechi gave it all away, lost it all including his region's hold on the presidency. So what manner of a man would be at easy with such a skewed disproportionate exchange he made, the proverbial cutting off the nose to spite the face?

Icheoku says it certainly is a cause for concern when a man, who for all intent and purpose, now qualifies for a Judas Iscariot of our time, would readily betray one of his own brother, successfully driving him out of power, only to settle for a beggar status around power corridor? A man whose conspiracy caused his entire South-south Niger Delta region hold unto power to completely unravel, now leaving them out of power and merely holding a beggarly power plate. Icheoku does not know about you but says that Rotimi Amaechi is in addition, a Brutus of our times as his betrayal of President Jonathan is akin to the Brutus stab which Caesar felt most, because it came from the least expected quarters - a trusted insider, the unknown enemy within. In a six region power arrangement which Nigeria operates, why a member of a region with hold on power would conspire with persons from other regions with the sole purpose of wrestling power out of his region, is indeed very mind boggling. But Rotimi Amaechi exactly did this and only Rotimi Amaechi can explain the wisdom of his action as Icheoku is at sea on why any sane person would prefer to settle for less when he already had the more by proxy.

Icheoku perfectly understands that politics is a game of the long knives as every player is in it is there for what he or she can get therefrom. But when an unthinking man throws his hat into the arena and ended up being shortchanged and used as merely a tool to wrestle power out of his brother's hand, as it is increasingly looking like, then one must question the political maturity and sagacity of such a man. Icheoku is not a fan of President Jonathan, admitted we strongly carried his waters during the last election because of our disdain and strong resentment of Muhammadu Buhari presidency because of those three Nigerians he murdered; but let truth be spoken, would any reason ever be enough or suffice for the betrayal of the president by Rotimi Amaechi? As a correlative, would the people of the South-south Niger Delta ever bring themselves around to forgive or forget this their rascally son, who conspired with other people from other zones to forcibly yank their mouth from their suckle on power? Icheoku does not know about anyone who would pardon such treachery, but says Rotimi Amaechi should indeed be ashamed for the role he played in the defeat of President Goodluck Jonathan in the last election. What a human excrement this man is by reason of the trade he brokered - trading a position of master to now a mere servant for his region and someone please tell Icheoku Rotimi Amaechi is indeed truly happy for bringing about this outcome?

Sometimes Icheoku gets goose pimples thinking about this Rotimi Amaechi's utmost betrayal of President Jonathan and wonders, with men or people like him still walking the face of this earth, what hope has humanity of ever getting anywhere? Icheoku says regardless of whatever compensation the incoming Muhammadu Buhari's government might throw his way for the hatchet-job he did on Jonathan, will it or anything for that matter ever be worthy of the heinous crime he committed, ousting his own South-south Niger Delta region from power? It is nothing short of a slave mentality for Rotimi Amaechi to prefer someone else as president rather than his own brother irrespective of any disagreement that led up to this. So what if a cash-strapped Jonathan refused or did not pay money owned to Rivers State? So what if Dame Patience made Rotimi Amaechi mad? So what if Rotimi Amaechi was livid and wanted the head of John or Jonathan the Baptist on a platter? Is anything hurting enough to make the horrible trade he made, preferring a Fulani president to his own regional blood's president? So what will happen in the very likely event Rotimi Amaechi has serious disagreement with Muhammadu Buhari; who will he run to or gang up to in similar manner yank the presidency from Buhari? Icheoku maintains that any responsible person does not stir the hornet nest in his neighborhood for fear of being victimized by their sting; but Rotimi Amaechi just did that and today is a loathsome pariah of the entire South-south Niger Delta region. Hopefully he will realize his folly soon enough, make contrition and beg for forgiveness; following which he will find a rope and go behind his house to do what every Judas Iscariot does when the heavy heart of what they did becomes unbearable. Icheoku says this Rotimi Amaechi is one huge unthinking buffoon to have conspired to yank the presidency from the South-south Niger Delta and pawn it over to the Northwest Hausa/Fulani. A Judas Iscariot of our time - pitiful and indeed very pitiful he is.

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