Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Icheoku says when the world thought that the Southeast Asian country of Indonesia is only world famous for executing drug dealers, the country also conducts the "two-finger" test for all its female applicants desiring to join their armed forces as well as the police. According to the country's army chief, General Moeldoko, the virginity test is to determine whether the women are morally upright enough and suited for the country's armed forces. According to him, the virginity test is a gauge of woman's morality and there is no other way to determine a woman's morality than inserting the two fingers to check if her hymen membrane is still in tact. Icheoku asks in this modern twenty first century world and what has a ripped hymen got to do with fighting wars? 

Such applicants, as part of their preliminary enlistment qualification, are required to undertake a medical examination wherein they are required to strip naked and have their genitalia manually examined by a medical professional to certify that they are virgins. A "two-finger" test is carried out, inserting two fingers into their va-jay-jay, to check if their hymen are broken or in any other way ruptured. Icheoku says all in the name of women being allowed to serve their country and only women are subjected to this rude treatment. What will men not contrive in their attempt to further subjugate women and this is before ever giving them a fighting chance in to enlist  to serve in their country's armed forces? 

Query, who determines males' virginity in this case or are men not supposed to be also "morally upright" in order to join Indonesia's armed forces? What a discriminatory practice and then imagine the psychological trauma these women go through just to serve their country? It must be a very unnerving experience indeed. Then after this ordeal, when are these women supposed to experience intercourse or are they to remain virgins as long as they wear the uniform of Indonesia armed forces, one may ask? Icheoku says possibly those Indonesia army generals crafted this on purpose, in order to ensure that all the virgins of Indonesia enlisting in the armed forces would be theirs only for puncturing; - may be as another condition for rising through the ranks or what else does anyone want Icheoku to conclude? With stuff like this and having traveled widely and read a lot of literature about cultures, peoples and countries of the world, it is very safe to say that Nigeria is indeed quite a civilized and free country. 

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