Monday, May 18, 2015


Icheoku says the now fast becoming rape capital of the world, India, has yet another feather added to its unflattering cap, somewhat  justifying its new appellation as a very high rape risk country. Indian rape victim, Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse, who was raped in a hospital where she worked, strangled and left to die; but managed to survive but remained in a vegetative state since 1973 in a Mumbai hospital has died. 

Icheoku says what a life of torture this woman was forced to live being in a vegetative state for such a very long time? It is only in India would someone be left in comatose for such a long period of time; admitted that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon got six years more lease on life hooked unto life support machine before being taken off it. However this Indian seems to have set a new world record for now the longest life support patient ever. Luckily it was in India and were it in any of the advanced Western countries, such would not have been allowed as it would have been prohibitively impossible to do as it would have cost billions of dollars to sustain such a four decades plus life support. 

Icheoku says Indian men, when are you people going to learn to respect your women and stop raping them. Please do this for the memory of Aruna Shanbaug and remember that your mother is a woman and so also are your sisters; and ask yourself, how would you feel if they were victims. Enough of this heartless cowardly attacks on women, it is not cool nor hip. Real men do not rape women, only sissy girlie perverted men do. Please say no more rape of Indian women by Indian men and on Indian soil. It is pitifully shameful and a big stain on your identity and nation. Enough.

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