Monday, May 18, 2015


Icheoku says please move over Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie, as here comes this African young expectant mother, whose radiance and beauty is pure bliss and extraterrestrial. Just take a closer look at her, the skin, the smile, the flashing eyes, her pose  and her pregnancy curvature and you will agree with those poets who correctly chimed that the beautiful ones are yet to be born. Her complimentary attire and jewelry, equally a nice ensemble. Somewhere in Africa, unknown, undisturbed and uncorrupted by the endless desires of this world and still happy; indeed she is very beautiful. Query, which man would not wish that she is carrying the fruit of his labor and that he is the reason she is this radiant. 

FYI: someone inboxed Icheoku the picture and we decided to share such a beautiful work of creation with you or don't you think she is spectacularly radiant?

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