Monday, May 18, 2015


Icheoku bemoans the cruel fate which is about to  finally befall men with the invention of sperm on demand? As if men are not already being shortchanged enough, now they are going to be finally and permanently consigned into a heap of obsolete, non-essential commodity of human existence. When many women are already reluctantly tolerating men as mere sperm-donors, here comes a laboratory in France, to finally put men out of circulation and out of relevance. 

A French company, Kallistem Laboratory in Lyon, announced that they have developed a "fully-functioning semen from scraps of genetic material.' Icheoku asks with this last vital need for men now on its way out, being blown away by the wind of science, what then will become the fate of men in this world. Baring any luck, it is finally finished for men as women can now do without husbands or even the proverbial sperm donors; or which woman will still need a man to worry about when she can go to a laboratory to have some sperm custom-designed with well specified features for her child? What a world without men this world is gradually turning into and give it up to those wild-eyed feminist females to scream from mountain tops, FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, at last, FREE AT LAST.

FYI:- Spermatogenesis, the process through which the basic reproduction cells develop into mature sperm takes approximately seventy-two days.

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