Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Icheoku watched an interview recently granted to Aljazeera corespondent by Obiageli Ezekwesili, wherein the masculine Oby  mumbled and prevaricated; evasive as an eel, trying to cover up the sleaze that is her former boss, alleged father and paramour, Olusegun Obasanjo, the most eminently corrupt Nigerian former leader? A man who also doubled as Nigeria Petroleum minister for the eight years while he controlled affairs in Nigeria as president. The ugly duckling Oby Ezekwesili was put on the spot with a direct question by the interviewer, to answer 'yes or no' whether Obasanjo was corrupt? But to the chagrin of many, the supposed "woman of God and Pastor of God" would not answer the question, instead she choose to cover up for her mentor. 

A catch-22 question sort of - damned if you do and damn if you don't. If she answered yes, then she will have some explaining to do to her master and if she answered no, then the overwhelming evidence of corruption that is Olusegun Obasanjo's stupendous wealth could not have in any other way be easily explained out. So what did Obiageli Ezekwesili do, she choose like every other scum-bag politician to prevaricate, giving contorted response which was not in anyway answering the direct question posed by the interviewer, but which was meant to throw the questioner off. The interviewer insisted, demanding that Oby answer the direct question and to stop parrying it. But a sturdy and stubborn Oby Ezekwesili will not budge and demanded from the interviewer to produce evidence of Olusegun Obasanjo's corruption. In answer, Icheoku says there is a common principle of law known as "res ipsa loquitor" that speaks volume about Obasanjo's unaccounted wealth - his Abeokuta Hilltop mansion, TransCorp, Ota Farms and Bells University just to mention a few. So could Oby Ezekwesili in the absence of any other evidence of Obasanjo's culpability, please explain to the world how Olusegun Obasanjo suddenly landed into the stupendous wealth he is currently possessed of? 

Icheoku berates that this is the same woman who has been a pain in the neck on President Jonathan, adumbrating on corruption when she participated and served in one of the most corrupt governments in Nigeria. Anyway Icheoku blames the gutless and timid media team of President Jonathan, who to a great length, helped cost him his second term election as they sheepishly and lackadaisically reacted to allegations of corruption on the government by the opposition, instead of leading the charge and commanding the narrative on the subject. They stood hands akimbo, dazed and confused, while people like this ungodly lying bitch controlled the piling-up; including championing the protest about the staged kidnapping of some alleged Chibok school girls, heavily melting the grounds upon which President Jonathan stood for his reelection until it became too late to salvage or change the outcome. 

Icheoku is emphatic that a media team that was worth its weight in gold, would not have lost the narrative or stood by and watched, while this woman and her acolytes made a mince meat of President Jonathan's records on corruption; when her own boss and alleged lover, and some people even claimed that the incestuous Olusegun Obasanjo equally fathered her, had several cupboards filled with putrefying corruption-skeletons. An Obasanjo who doubled as Petroleum Minister for eight years and who went from having zero money in 1999 to having trailer-loads of it now is not corrupt? Yet the likes of Reuben Abati stood like a deer in headlight, fidgeting and trembling in petrified fear, while Oby Ezekwesili and co went to town throwing up dust of corruption as if their own Obasanjo was a saint of so many decades ago or that his government never happened? Reuben Abati and co quacked, shuddered and shivered in fear, while this woman ran her very large mouth all over the place as an anti-corruption apostle, crusading against President Jonathan's supposed steeped corruption. But she conveniently maintained a blind eye or rather was not telling the world how Olusegun Obasajno came about his stupendous wealth, coming from the brink of bankruptcy and precipitous financial ruins a few short years ago. This is the woman Reuben Abati could not checkmate or go toe to toe with in a duel of words on corruption and today his boss paid dearly for this cowardly incompetence with the loss of his second term bid. 

This woman calls herself a pastor but condones a very corrupt Olusegun Obasanjo and was covering for him, without minding how God would feel about His pastor publicly, lying unashamedly?  Icheoku says were it in the days of brimstones from heaven, may be a huge boulder would have smashed her to pieces inside that interview arena for the shameless performance she put up. Possibly her supposed pastor-ship is not and cannot be of God but of the devil as God does not like liars and detests frauds. Icheoku laments that whichever man wakes up besides this woman every morning must be having uncontrollable bouts of nightmares and malaria. A woman  who had the impetus to deride another man for corruption, when her own man and boss is corruption personified. In short Oby Ezekwesili is ugly inside out and needs to mend her evil ways of covering up strange things. As one Professor Ochonu put it, "Oby Ezekwesili's loud anti-corruption activism is "strangely amnesiac and hypocritical." Icheoku agrees and adds, what a farce and fraud of the worst kind this woman is; indeed  she is very pitiful. 

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