Thursday, May 28, 2015


Icheoku says when we thought it was only President Jonathan of Nigeria's government that has been under the microscope of United States of America crime fighting officials for corruption, the arrest today of several officials of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, proves otherwise. Fourteen top officials of the world football organizing body were picked up from their plush hotel rooms in the early hours of the morning in what they thought was a nightmare; but which indeed was a living reality of their lives as accused bribe takers. A result of extensive investigation including wiretap and secret recordings which captured some FIFA officials discussing bribes, running into hundreds of millions of dollars over the many years. 

The seemingly worst case of all is the current CONCACAF President Jeffrey Webb who literally sat over in judgment and ouster of his predecessor in office Jack Warner for corruption; but who himself fell to the temptation and got hooked up to the sucre of corruption that abounds in FIFA, receiving among other bribes, a private swimming pool built for him in his home. Icheoku says may be the lesson of what sprang him up as chairman of CONCACAF became lost on him or the millions of dollars of easy bribe money was too tempting to just turn down and say no? 

Icheoku says such a bold move by the American Justice Department is a welcome development as it will help reposition FIFA by getting rid of its seedy officials who have brought disdain and disrepute to the world cup organizing body. But to do this effectively, the entire FIFA's current governing body have to go, starting with its president Sepp Blatter. Like President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria was booted out of office principally for his dereliction of duty in fighting corruption, FIFA's president Sepp Blatter must similarly be shoved out of the organization. A man who has been presiding over the putrid sewer of corruption and for seventeen long years now, although who has not been personally named or indicted just yet, cannot plead ignorance of what was going on right under his nose. Icheoku says it is either he knows or pretended not to know, choosing to look the other side while his underlings mightily helped themselves with bribery and upon one strict condition that they continually "elected" him president of the organization. Icheoku says it cannot be any other way, otherwise why has Sepp Blatter remained the president of the organization for such a very long time? Also why does FIFA not have a term limit for its elected officials or does it not know that such longevity in office usually breeds complacency and laxity which in turn creates room for such infestation of corruption?  

Icheoku says as the headman of FIFA, the buck stops at Sepp Blatter's desk and therefore he must muster every courage and  whatever honor still left in him and fall on his sword - perform the harakiri. FIFA President Sepp Blatter should and must resign; his office, let another take and clean up the Augean stable which a very corrupt FIFA has become under Sepp Blatter. A no nonsense reformer is needed at this time at FIFA to help bring about the much needed change from the business as usual culture that Blatter foist at the soccer organizing body and make it wholesome again. Also any country found to have compromised FIFA by facilitating this decadence should also be sanctioned. 

While Icheoku commends the effort of the Justice department thus far, we call for a very far-reaching investigation to unearth every person, official and country connected to this sleaze and punish them maximally, make an example of them and in order to avoid future repeat occurrence. What a shame that a body charged with organizing the most favorite sport in the world, descended into the sewer, tempted and fell to corrupting influences and now left everyone questioning their faith in FIFA managing this lovable pastime. It is pitiful and indeed very pitiful; which possibly explains why officials of FIFA seem to enjoy near life term tenure serving in the organization. African Confederation of African Football  President Issa Hayatou for example has been the boss of that regional body for nearly three decades since 1988 and executive member of FIFA since 1990 and you wonder why no other person can have a shot at it. But hey, with these arrests, the world now knows what amount of wheeling and dealing that kept these administrators so entrenched and their offices impregnable by the so called outsiders. Sep Blatter should resign or be forced out by being voted out of office; as no meaningful reform can take place in that Federation of International Football Association with the same man who created and enabled the corruption environment and who presided over the corruption regime, still manning the tiller.

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