Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Icheoku says it appears that King LeBron James promise to Cleveland Cavaliers to win a championship for the club is on the verge of becoming a reality. Also his prayer that the Cavalier meets Oakland Warriors in the NBA finals has also now come through with the defeat of Houston Rockets by Oakland Warriors today to qualify from the Western Conference. So as the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers and Oakland Warriors meets to decide who becomes the 2015 NBA champions, Icheoku says what a thrilling championship finals it will be. 

Icheoku however places his bet that the King James led Cavaliers will snake through to win the championship, thus bringing a life fulfilled to both LeBron James, the Cavalier owner Dan Gilbert, their fans and the city of Cleveland as whole. However if Curry manages to pull it off, then it will be a multiple happiness as Oakland gets a championship after over four decades of being in the barren wilderness; moreso it will be Icheoku's own Bay Area of Northern California that will be celebrating. But whatever happens and whichever club wins, it is going to be an outstanding 2015 NBA finals championship, regardless; as both sides parade stellar players. Icheoku can't wait to be thrilled and so, to Cleveland Cavaliers and Oakland Warriors, Icheoku says all the best and may the better side triumph. 

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