Friday, May 29, 2015


"I would like to thank President Goodluck Jonathan for his display of statesmanship in setting a precedent for us all that has now made our people proud to be Nigerians wherever they are. With the support and cooperation he has given to the transition process, he has made it possible for us to show the world that despite the perceived tension in the land, we can be a united people capable of doing what is right for our nation. Together we cooperated to surprise the world that had come to expect only the worst from Nigeria. I hope this act of graciously accepting defeat by the outgoing President will become the standard of political conduct in the country." - President Muhammadu Buhari.

Icheoku says well said and dutifully too. What a great magnanimity of the President to once again publicly acknowledge and for the umpteenth time too, the very pivotal role played by former President Goodluck Jonathan in bringing about a new politically refocused Nigeria. Icheoku maintains that were the former president not a God-fearing man, who does not want to spill needlessly the blood of Nigerians just to stay put in power, not only would there not have been a new President Muhammadu Buhari sworn in today, but possibly there would not be a Nigeria still existing as one country and at best a Nigeria in cataclysmic turmoil. Icheoku appreciates the new president for recognizing this fact of immerse consequence and hopefully, he too will reciprocate same when his time also comes for such a display of statesmanship. Congratulations President Muhammadu Buhari and congratulations to the now former President Goodluck Jonathan.

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