Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Icheoku says this murderer waited until Ojukwu moved  on to open his mustachioed bloody mouth to spit vile, comparing a circumstantially forced situation, where it mattered to stand up to be counted at an hour of great need, to a mere presidential election fallout? An election outcome which he helped engineer  while pretending to love President Jonathan, the same way he professed his love for Aguiyi Ironsi, before he and his band of jackals, hog-tied him behind an army truck and dragged him to a gruesome death, smashing his body to pieces and scattering the dismembered body on a dirt-road. He pretended to love Jonathan in the day while at night participating in every conspiracy that yanked Jonathan out of Aso Rock and you wonder with a friend like Danjuma does Jonathan or Ndigbo need an enemy? What a mongrel. 

A ravenous jackal provoking a better-forgotten bitter memory and reminding the world the heinous role he played in the two murderous attacks on Ndigbo that caused so much sorrow and sadness? The killing of Head of State Aguiyi Ironsi alongside hundreds of Igbo military officers and first-rate bureaucrats as well as the Biafra war of survival on one side and war of attrition on the other. Look at this mad man bragging that President Jonathan capitulated to his Northern conspirators forces and that he had expected Ikemba Ndigbo to have showed the same cowardice faced with the tyranny of genocide? Anyway it was Jonathan who played into these munchkin's hands, the same way Ironsi played into their hands, thinking that he had trusted people in these hate-filled Northerners, only for them to eat him for lunch. Yet this man has the temerity to open his mouth to spit hate, when he could not even stand up to throw his support for President Jonathan and he is supposedly a christian? So Icheoku asks Danjuma what has Odimegwu Ojukwu got to do with an election that took place several years since he departed if not his deliberate attempt to sneer at Ndigbo for their unflinching support for President Jonathan which did not translate to a second term?

A betrayer of the worst kind, an animal who breached the supreme most trust and alongside his Northern brothers, who have only one interest in a united Nigeria estate,  milking it dry and making out like bandits from its oil wealth, betrayed and murdered their head of state. Look at Danjuma nostalgically waxing that if only Ojukwu had surrendered like President Jonathan and you ask yourself why did the mongrel not start with himself? Why not ask if only TY Danjuma and his band of bandits did not stage the counter-coup of revenge of July 1966, may be a more united Nigeria country would have been forged by now? Why not TY Danjuma ask if only him and his band of ravenous kill-joys did not wage a war of attrition on the defenseless of Biafra, pregnant women and suckling children, and also did not carry out the Asaba massacre, may be the people of former Biafra would be more trusting of his ilk and peradventure be more invested in the drama of a Nigeria country, truly united and collectively looking into a future? 

May be Danjuma should have asked if only he and his band of genocidal bandits had not seized all the monetary assets of Biafrans, refused to implement the Three Rs and have not been waging war of capitulation against Ndigbo ever since, may be the country Nigeria would have Ndigbo  sincerely invested in the successful outcome of that  humpty-dumpty experiment? Icheoku says may be if Danjuma had asked, if him and his Northern oligarchs did not stage the coup that forced Gowon out of power, may be subsequent coup plotters would not have had a bad example to emulate, copy and follow? May be if Danjuma had asked Buhari why he staged the coup that drove away President Shagari out of office, the Nigeria's still crawling democracy would have since matured? Icheoku asks why did Danjuma not ask Babangida why he staged the coup against Buhari, thus engraving coup plotting in the psyche of Nigeria armed forces and thereby drastically weakened the fighting spirit of these brave men and women? 

Icheoku ask where was this Danjuma when Sani Abacha overthrew Ernest Shonekan's interim government? Was Danjuma around when Babangida annulled MKO Abiola's election and what did he ruefully say in condemnation? That he was in the government of Olusegun Obasanjo that operated like a barack-regime is equally instructional about the hater, called Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma? Suddenly the mayhem of Zaki Ibiam and Odi, which both took place under his watch as defense minister, are now no longer abhorable incidents? Suddenly, the timid Jonathan was intimidated out of office and power wrestled from his baby-hand and this Danjuma finds the mouth to compare what happened to President Jonathan to the Biafran forced struggle in defense of their existence as a people? Icheoku prays that this man will suffer death and if there is hell, will be guest of the hottest spot therein where he will gnash his teeth in agony and in perpetuity until hell freezes over. 

Look at his mouth, "if Ojukwu did the same after the fall of Enugu when his government fled into exile, if he had conceded victory to the federal troops, it would have saved the nation one full year of bloodshed. Icheoku asks why not "if genocidal Yakubu Gowon had conceded to Aburi Accord or even at worst, waged the war if need be with a human face and not the draconic dracula, thirsty for the crimson fluid? Thankfully someone had to stand up to this jackal to push some logic and clear thought into his cranial matter and it is a big consolation. According to Femi Fani Kayode, "Those that say that Colonel Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu should have quickly accepted defeat in the war, like President Goodluck Jonathan did immediately after the election, have got it all wrong. I say this because the former was involved in a full scale military conflict whilst the latter was involved in a mere election. It is easy to concede defeat in an election but you cannot sit back and gladly do the same in a war in which your people are facing mass murder and genocide. In those terrible circumstances you do not give up and concede but instead you stand and you fight to the last man. Whether anyone likes it or not Ojukwu did the right thing. He fought for his people and, if I had been in his place, I would have done the same thing. I would rather be a dead man than a slave. I would rather die fighting than bow to the enemies of my soul." 

Icheoku salutes the courage of Femi Fani Kayode and hereby urges Ndigbo to start reasserting themselves more forcefully once again in Nigeria. Nobody is inferior to any of these uncircumcised mallams that hold sway in Nigeria and therefore Ndigbo should stand up to defend their honor whenever challenged or disparaged. Imagine this vermin deliberately dragging Ojukwu's name into President Jonathan's capitulation to these blood hounds eager to waste Nigerian lives just for power? Icheoku says something is definitely wrong with this man called Danjuma and prays that it shall not ever be well with him, oil wells or no oil wells. What a maga-rabid-dog or rather hyena or even 'kwura' this Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma is.  What an irritant and evil incarnate masquerading an a human being. Away with his nauseating presence!

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