Thursday, April 16, 2015


"This election is a generational choice about what kind of country we will be. Just yesterday, a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. Yesterday is over -- and we're never going back." - Senator Marco Rubio, Republican Party's presidential candidate aspirant. 
Icheoku asks where was this guy when his American government backed Nigeria's own version of a very yesterday person, Muhammadu Buhari, to become the newly elected president of Nigeria? Does it mean that what is good for America, cannot be good for Nigeria or that Nigeria is only good for a yesterday's man while America cannot afford to take chances with a yesterday's woman, coming back from the past to pretend to take them to the future? Icheoku queries what type of champion for the working masses does this Hillary want to be anyway which waited till this time to effervescence. But hey, the silly season of campaign politics is nearly here with politicians rearing and ready to go; and pretty very soon America will be inundated by people promising paradise on earth and only to forget they made such promises as soon as they are sworn in. But this Marco Rubio, is a very, very, long shot at clinching the Republican ticket, admitted he stands a chance at a veepee slot. But Icheoku likes his lines though. Salute!

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