Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Icheoku says as with every band of bandits for example, the problem often lies with the sharing of the booty as greed and excessive arrogation of more important role played, often pitches parties against themselves.  The recent victory of the All Progressive Congress in the just concluded Nigeria election, although a good development for democracy in Nigeria, may not bring the expected joy to the party and/or Nigerians.  Developing internal wrangling will eventually lead to an internal combustion, ripping to pieces the party and government,  and before Nigerians could know what happened, the newly conceived baby of hope will be prematurely aborted? As with everything involving humanity,  winning the election will soon prove to be the easiest part of the struggle, as the heavy lifting will start trying to fill positions and offices in the government. Now, time to share the windfall of their election victory, all the major gladiators are now readying themselves for a major duel; which will likely see every other one of them pitching battle with Bola Tinubu standing alone as Bola Tinubu? The result might either see Bola Tinubu having his way as usual or implosion of the party following an internecine civil war. 

It is without doubt that the role played by the owner and the man who runs affairs of the APC Ashiwaju Bola Tinubu in securing victory for the party is immeasurable; but he couldn't have done it all alone and by himself without others chipping in. So it goes without saying that when the same man now wants to be the sole decider of all who gets what in the incoming government of Muhammadu Buhari, it goes outside every known decency of making accommodation for others in a democracy and tethers on crass avarice and unparalleled selfish greed. Icheoku bemoans if this trajectory of all or nothing tendency of Bola Tinubu, to have it all to himself is not immediately checked by the president-elect, it might be the first salvo towards bringing down the high-flying APC back to the grounds and back into the political doldrums from its current soaring Olympian heights. It might be a very tragic tale of how the man who transformed the APC into a formidable opposition party and led it into the main party, literally single-handily, also torpedoed it. 

Feelers reaching Icheoku has it on strong authority that Ahmed Bola Tinubu is already at war with every other supposed stake-holder of the APC as to filling very key positions of the incoming government. For instance while Olusegun Obasanjo wants Chukwuma Soludo to be the next Finance Minister, Bola TInubu is standing in the way as he has his own anointed candidate to fill the position? Icheoku queries how would Baba Iyabo react to this apparent challenge to his authority by Bola Tinubu and this attempt to whittle his influence over the incoming President Muhammadu Buhari? But the Obasanjo Nigerians know, don't usually shy away from fights and will see to it that he has his way or Bola Tinubu's influence is drastically cut. Conversely, Bola Tinubu equally is not afraid of fights and might have the various municipalities that amalgamated into the APC go their separate ways rather than for any other person including the marginal Obasanjo reap where they did not sow. 

Also there is brewing war between Bola TInubu and the other man from Rivers State Rotimi Amaechi over who will occupy the senate president seat? While Rotimi Amaechi wants Olusola Saraki to become the next senate president, Bola Tinubu's candidate for the position is Benue State's Akume George. Icheoku does not know how this battle for the senate presidency will fare but the Bola Tinubu Nigerians have come to know and now respect as the man who made Buhari president, might dig in. The implication is that the former PDP governors wing of the APC might gang up and start a war to push Bola Tinubu out of power and control of the APC, leading to factionalization of the the party which will go a long way in helping the now traumatized PDP with quicker recovery. Then you have the Ministry of Petroleum resources which many had thought will be used to compensate Rotimi Amaechi for his contribution to Muhammadu Buhari displacing his Southsouth brother Jonathan from Aso Rock; but for which Bola Tinubu has also penciled down his preferred candidate, the Deputy Group Chief Executive of OANDO Plc Omamofe Boyo for the position. 

Needless to add that these are but the iceberg of the many positions that will be filled in the incoming Buhari administration. So query will President-elect Muhammadu Buhari as usual, watch from the sidelines as Bola Tinubu single-handily fills all these positions; and if yes, how will his Miyetti Allah wing of the APC react, seeing their much sought-after government now being run by a Yoruba Southerner once again? As at now, no one can categorically say with certainty what will become of the party when the long knives are forced out, but it sure will not bode well for the new boys in town as their marriage might be over ever before the honey moon even concludes. All because of the avarice and unbridled greed of just one man - Ahmed Bola Tinubu. But hey, Nigerians dey watch to see how this newly minted victory is used beneficially, both to the party and the Nigerian public; but to do this, Bola Tinubu must first have to check his excessive greed.

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