Saturday, March 14, 2015


Icheoku has said it before and will say it again that only very few Nigerian politicians understand what real politicking is all about, short of their usual bribery with stuff and bare knuckle thuggery and intimidation that always get them  elected. Many of them do not have what it takes nor possess the cerebral power-punch oratory skill that effortlessly sway  electorates. This is the reason why politics is no longer interestingly fun anymore; unlike the good old days when people would be rushing to get newspapers or watch television or tune-in to their radios just to hear what Zik said again or what is making Pa Awolowo mad again or what vernacular Mallam Aminu Kano spoke again. Those were the days of politics without rancor and bitterness; but one peopled with brainiacs who fought their opponents with superior ideas and witticisms only. There was no do or die bloodletting thuggery or bribery;  it was purely politics based on power of conviction. 

Icheoku remembers the days of colorful politicians like KO Mbadiwe, TOS Benson and a few other notable political juggernauts, timbers  and calibers whose oratorical skills were such that the Nigerian electorates were held spellbound and captive by them. Icheoku nostalgically still remembers the weight of verbal bombs which these gifted real politicians threw across the land and how reverberating their thud sounded. Those days are since long gone with the wind and these days, no one can remember any thing said by any politician nor recall any politician dropping a memorable one-liner that he or she could be remembered for. No Nigerian today looks forward to hearing what any politician said again or how he said it; and none of them draws laughter from an excited audience any longer. 

In short many a Nigerian politician today is bland and tasteless; the reason they resort to bribing their way to power with useless stuff that only a hungry and deprived electorate would trade his or her vote for. No electorate is mesmerized any longer by these charlatans masquerading as politicians in Nigeria. Even MKO Abiola of late had the "with a friend like IBB no one needs an enemy" and "you cannot shave one's head in his absence" liners to remember him for? Then Godwin Daboh's "if you Tarkah me I will Daboh you' liner was equally of note, memorable. Dee Sam Mbakwe's 'the rat does not eat the food of a person who is wide awake" also counts; and then you query what statement could be credited to any of these people now parading themselves as leaders in Nigeria, some of who could hardly even string a sentence, talkless of making it count and sizzle. 

Icheoku says in the absence or paucity of such emotive remarks and "political jingoism", it is discernible why the duo of Ekiti State Governor Ayodele Fayose and PDP Presidential Campaign Spokesperson Femi Fani-Kayode are currently making waves in Nigeria. Both men have finally come to the rescue of Nigerians,  by now giving Nigerians what they have been missing and longing for, and for a very long time. Icheoku says it is not about what you say or don't say; it is how you say it and meaningful mean to say it. It is called passion and being passionate comes with conviction, which many of these politicians lack as they are mainly interested in what accruals results from their activity rather than trying to make their mark on the landscape. Where others failed, both men have succeeded in charming the media as their new darling whose every utterance is reported and carried by the media; thus giving the campaign a much needed oxygen. 

Like an asthmatic patient, these men are the new inhaler that makes it possible for a real breath of fresh air to be reintroduced to the campaign and now it can exhale again. With both Fayose and Fani Kayode, there is quantum passion and they deploy it fully to bear on what they have to say and in how they say it. Thus people hearing them believe they mean to say what they said and they say what they truly mean to say. By so doing, they have brought back some mojo in a hitherto moribund campaign that sauntered for a long time, thus enabling the propaganda machine of the APC to somewhat control the narrative for quite some time with the ruling party playing a catch-up role with their reactionary response. But the free-reign of the duo has now placed the PDP back in contention and ahead of the pack, where they naturally should and deserve to be. So with the playing field now leveled with both parties screaming their loudest, Nigerians are once again tuned in and listening to hear what comes down the pike, next.  

Icheoku is pleased with this two operatives of GEJ2015 and says that the campaign owes everything it is presently now enjoying to the energies brought on-board by this two bare-knuckle pugilists. That's the way campaigns are wedged - take no prisoner, because short of bullets, political campaign is a war and only the brave and courageous throw  their hats in the ring. There is no room for humble gentle manliness in politics and anyone not ready to battle and tumble down and dirty, if need be, should yield because politics is not for everyone. Icheoku says kudos to Governor Ayodele Fayose and Spokesperson Femi Fani-Kayode for revamping the Project 2015 GEJ campaign and keeping git alive and bubbling. It is Icheoku's prayers that they also remain as focused and directed through the last stretch of the campaign project. Hopefully their efforts will be bountifully rewarded with a GEJ victory as well as appointments to any future offices they might desire. Way to go people; and may these guys' vocal cords never whimper nor tremble nor quaver. Governor Ayodele Fayose and Spokesperson Femi Fani Kayode are doing one heck of a very, very, good job for the campaign and Icheoku seriously means it as literally said. Icheoku says it is GEJ all the way, so ON MARCH 28, VOTE RIGHT, VOTE GEJ.

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