Friday, March 13, 2015


Icheoku queries, is having email problem one of the worst or least problem for a politician to worry about or is this particular problem, triggered by emailing, not your ordinary Joe or Jane problem? What made this particular email problem to assume the current air of its own that it is seemingly threatening an otherwise all-coast-clear clinching of the Democratic presidential candidate nomination ticket by Hillary Clinton? Why all the ruse and ruckus being raised and generated by whether or not Hillary Clinton used a personal email or government's email account during her term as Secretary of State of the United States? Should it matter? Does it matter and would it impact her chances assuming she steps forward as the next presidential candidate of the Democratic Party? 

Just when Icheoku thought (The) Donald Trump and his hair problem is an example of one really serious problem for anyone to have, here comes Hillary Clinton with some hellish email problem and you ask yourself which of the two problems would one rather indeed have? But with everything politics, which the current issue is of course, the real question is who wants Hillary Clinton stopped and  her momentum as the inevitable candidate deflated? Who is the grim-reaper that has generated this controversy now to try and stop her intended campaign for the presidency of the United States of America - the only woman to seriously so do, if she does? These are some questions Icheoku is looking forward for answers in the nearest future; but all these heat being generated over whether or not she used private emails or server is somewhat a needless sideshow. 

Luckily she has braved it by stepping forward and answering all questions any one had regarding the matter; and hopefully the matter would now rest, barring any discovery of any illegality or a cover-up of any crime. Icheoku says the unfortunate thing serving America is that the vocal decibels of those who want to get you or pull you down always outweigh those rooting for you; admitted that at the end of the day, most would come around to support you once you show that you are not miffed up or disturbed by the pile of dirt being thrown at you. Icheoku is hopeful, that America, having elected a black-man president, is finally ready to consider the female specie for president and Hillary Clinton is or would be that one. As with voting rights, it usually appears that black people are considered first before females and so will it be with the presidency in 2017 when Hillary will be sworn in as the first female president of the United States. Or who will not be happy to see Bill Clinton playing the First Lady's role in reverse. What a problem to have as Icheoku believes many people would, any day, trade such for some other stuff troubling their lives. 

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