Sunday, March 15, 2015


Icheoku says in case you have so soon already forgotten and in order to refresh your memory, Muhammadu Buhari campaigned for 35 days and rested in London for 16 days? So it therefore necessary follows that if he should work as an "elected president" for four years (1,456 days), he would have to rest for 666 long days in order to enable him recuperate,  rejuvenate and fully recharge. Icheoku did this calculation not factoring in the very exacting and excruciating toll the presidency takes on its occupant; and so if that is weighted in, the number of his sick and work-free days necessary for him to b rested enough to carry on his duties might even  skyrocket to close to 1000 days? 

So Nigerians do the math and please someone tell Icheoku that some Nigerians would still indeed, actually vote to authorize such truancy and inefficiency in the presidency?  With such so much extended leave of absence, when then would he get the demands of running the state and catering to the needs of the citizenry met? Or is it going to be deja vu Sani Abacha who notoriously woke up by noon, got to the office at 5.00pm and then go to play squash at 7.00pm before retiring for night after dinner at 9.00pm? A society gets the kind of leadership it deserves BUT Icheoku is emphatic that the Nigerian society, as supposedly civilized now than before, can do a whole lot better by choosing her leadership more wisely. Icheoku says a 73 year old grandpa should be discouraged by everyone who loves him from exacting too much pressure on his very weak old heart, trying to figure out the intricacies of running a very complex society like Nigeria. Rather, like his children and grandchildren which majority of the voting electorates are, Nigerians should let him live out his golden age in peace at his country home in Daura, by refusing to punish or suffer him with tasking him with the presidency of Nigeria. Icheoku queries which descent child or grandchild would do that to his or her grandpa, asking him to put too much pressure on his heart at such a very advanced old age. 

Please Nigerians, do not be this uncaring; let grandpa Muhammad Buhari rest. Do not vote for him as that is being too mean and very uncaring and not thoughtful. Do not be a demented, wayward child that would accelerate the departure of the elderly from this planet earth. Please let the elderly take their leave when the good Lord so decides, but never as a result of massive cardiac arrest induced by overbearing pressure of governance. Icheoku is convinced that no right thinking, humane and sane Nigerian, would against every acceptable tenets of the Nigerian society that cares and caters for their elders, force this burden of the presidency on Muhammad Buhari; not at 73 years old otherwise why do people retire at 65years?  So  regardless of all the propaganda and hot air pervading the airwaves in the country about how a 73 year old grandpa is not any ordinary human but has a superhuman energy; does not age or did not age; but is rather roaring to go, just ignore it for what it is  - a mere propaganda that is meant to blindside the gullible. Just take a look at your own immediate vicinity  and figure out how that old pa or grandpa around you is figuring basic things out, talkless of the complexity of governing a country like Nigeria. 

Please Nigerians do not be a party to this perfidy, do it for your love of Buhari, do not burden him with the grueling task of governing Nigeria. Muhammadu Buhari is simply too old  to live up to the challenge and you should not be a party to any sudden interruption to his life as a result. Like Pontius Pilate, please wash your hands off this madness and tell them that your love of Buhari would not allow you do as they want you to. ICHEOKU maintains that Grandpa Buhari is simply not what Nigeria needs at this time, he is simply too old and nearing senility; his time has since came and gone with the wind of yester-years. Today's  digital Nigeria has no place for the analog Buhari, please let him rest and enjoy in peace whatever remains of his sojourn here on earth. So On MARCH 28, vote smart, vote wisely and vote intelligently, VOTE GEJ. GEJ is digital. GEJ is still youthful. GEJ has finished his presidential internship. GEJ now fully understands what needs to be done. GEJ would do better and even more during his second term.  GEJ gives it his all and GEJ will still give it more of his all.

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