Saturday, February 28, 2015


Icheoku says finally the weapons America and her cronies conspired to deny Nigeria are finally being sourced elsewhere and who now has the upper hands in the conflict with Boko Haram? Definitely not the Islamist terrorist urchins and hopefully very soon, the Americans might be begging Nigeria to please help them with brave troops to fight the ISIS? Icheoku while commending the Commander in Chief of the Nigeria armed forces President Goodluck Jonathan, also felicitates with the brave and courageous fighting men and women of the Nigeria armed forces for turning the corner in the fight against terrorism, Now they can proudly ask Boko Haram, who is your daddy? 

Icheoku says well done Nigerian armed forces for liberating Baga and the surrounding territories; and in your push to equally retake all other territories overrun by Boko Haram, which the late arrival of weapons helped foster, may the good Lord lead you safely in all your battles.  Please know that all reasonable Nigerians are praying and rooting for you; as well as being indeed eternally grateful for your shielding them from these murderous marauders from the pit of hell. May you never tire or flounder until Nigeria becomes whole again IJN. Way to go Nigerian armed forces and kudos to their supped up and ready to go commander in chief President Goodluck Jonathan. 

Icheoku says FOUR MORE YEARS is guaranteed and secured with these latest exploits of these brave souls under President Jonathan's overall command; a caring and listening president and his men and women in uniform in whom Nigerians are proudly well pleased. ON MARCH 28, VOTE GEJ!!!

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