Sunday, March 1, 2015


“It is interesting that the APC has, for the very first time, admitted that some of its leaders own private jets. It will be interesting to know from the APC how these leaders who either occupied public offices or still occupy public offices acquired these jets. In fact, where did the money with which they procured the jets come from? And this is the APC whose leaders pretend to occupy a moral high ground and accuse everyone else except themselves of malfeasance. Once again, it is clear that the APC leaders have become prisoners of their own delusions and they are being held captive by their own hallucinations. This is a clear case of extreme paranoia. They are running under the bed when nobody is chasing them. There are no plans to clamp down on anybody in the opposition. Our only plan is to humiliate them before the Nigerian people on March 28 by giving them a crushing defeat.” - Femi Fani Kayode. 

Icheoku says brilliant, brilliant, brilliant; indeed truly very  brilliant. This is the stuff a focused campaign is made of -  you take it to them; you drill them; you grill them; you jab them; you give it to them and in short, you just stick and stab it back at them. Your opponents, that is. Just use their own ropes to hang them up to dry and with their swords disembowel them so that the public could see the corrupt content of their bowels. A bunch of holier than thou fanatical hypocrites and lunatics, who are deluded that the reins of power is now a low hanging fruit in Nigeria and so near that they can easily make a go at it and easily grab it? 

Icheoku asks these bunch of APC scalawags, who have nothing to their name in helping build up Nigeria thus far, but for their stint in politics; and who now want everybody to believe that they have the magic silver-bullet cure-it-all medicine for Nigeria, to FIRST please tell Nigerians how they acquired their stinking wealth? From where did all the money come from that is now facilitating their newly found jet-flying lifestyles? First things first so that Nigerians can be better adequately informed about the people coveting to lead them.

It is also perplexing that the APC presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, who has been tooting his anti-corruption credentials, is now partaking and enjoying in this loot; flying around in private chauffeured planes, yet he wants to fight corruption? That would mean biting the finger that fed him; except that he has to first get power and to get power, he must first cross the insurmountable road block that is the Nigerian electorates, who decided a long time ago, not to thrust their future into the shaky feebly hand of a seventy two year old, retired and tired, grandpa. 

What a shameful bunch of Pharisees that do not even know that they are publicly dancing naked in the village square whenever they shout corruption while disregarding the fact that everything about and around them reeks of corruption. Icheoku agrees with Femi Kayode that the defeat which awaits the APC is going to be so humiliating for them to wake up the next day and show their deflated faces before Nigerians. Way to go, Femi. Icheoku says this run-up period to the mother of all elections in Nigeria is a take off the gloves time and no captive prisoners are needed, just their heads. ON MARCH 28, VOTE GEJ !!!!!

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