Friday, February 27, 2015


Icheoku says overall, it was a good speech. He was looking good, healthy and does not seem to be laboring through the speech. If he was sick or still sick, it is either he has recovered fully enough or he is holding his sickness well and under check. His voice and eyes were both clear and spiritedly too. Icheoku likes the gesticulation he made with his two fingers when he mentioned nations in Africa that are still deemed, quote/unquote, not being free. Some theatrics is always good in good speech making, it rivets the audience attention and Muhammadu Buhari did just that. 

His enunciation, diction, elucidation, pronunciation as well as command and control of the environment is quite encouraging too. Listening through the speech, one could agree with Olusegun Obasanjo, no matter how reluctantly, that Muhammadu Buhari is "educated enough" to be president? Overall he looked presidential too. 

The high points for Icheoku in the speech include his promise to publicly disclose revenue earned by the government and to audit the nation's accounts regularly. Also admitting being now a 'converted democrat' is a plus for him too. Pointing out choking off the routes for Boko Haram funding as well as weapons supplies is a commendable tactic, which Icheoku has been advocating for years. Be that as it may and not withstanding that he finally took responsibility for all that transpired under his watch as a merciless military dictator, Icheoku cannot get around to forgiving his murders of those three innocent Nigerians based on a retroactive decree. So on March 28, still VOTE GEJ !!!!!

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