Thursday, January 8, 2015


Icheoku says it is only a foolish person that challenges his God to a fight - "nwanza rijue afor ochele CHI ya aka ngba", says the well known Igbo adage. This is now a given truism in the matter of President Jonathan fight with his godfather, the man who made him president, Olusegun Obasanjo. Icheoku says what President Jonathan keeps on forgetting is that Obasanjo is not on the ballot for anything this 2015 or any other future time; and that the bleeding resulting from their continuing and un-abating face-off, can only hurt one person and one person only and that is the President himself and his 2015 second term ambition.  So Icheoku asks  President Jonathan why join issues with a man who is not afraid to fight tough and dirty and who indeed has nothing to lose and is therefore salivating at the opportunity to throw more dirt on the president. 

But unfortunately the president may not be as wise as is befitting of the office which he is occupying to know; and short of calling him foolish, Icheoku says his current desire and drive to go to the mattress with the Ota Deity is ill-advised and ill-timed, especially coming too close to the 2015 election. A wise President Jonathan, would have continued to maintain his dignified silence and let his underlings do the rumble and tumble tug of war with Obasanjo on his behalf. Nigerians already know the mischief-maker called Obasanjo and does not need the president reminding them once again about the man who did so many bad things including having sexual relations with his son's wife Mojisola Gbenga Obasanjo. What the president did by calling Obasanjo name in return is akin to a man taking his shower when a naked mad man came and took his hanging clothes. The man then came out of the shower and started chasing the mad man down the street to recover his clothes. As far as onlookers are concerned, they are two mad men running down the street naked.

Icheoku maintains that President Jonathan lost every right to attack Baba Iyabo the day he accepted the gift of Nigeria's presidency from the Deity of Ota. A more forward thinking President Jonathan would have either declined the offer or accepted same with its attached lurid conditions. The presidency of any country is neither cheap nor easy and many the world over have died trying to gain it. Many are also equally in prison lamenting their unsuccessful attempt at the presidency.  But here is President Jonathan, who got it the easy way - FREE. He had it literally bequeathed on him by the magnanimity of just one man, a mentor with whom he has now fallen apart and currently engaged in a market-women styled brickbats of rapid and vapid words exchanges, sort of artillery/mortar fire exchange. Icheoku says what even led other countries into a civil war, President Jonathan got practically for free and on a platter of platinum; or is it possible power got into his head too soon as to forget how he was reared to become Nigeria's president? 

Icheoku says all said and done, at the end of the day, President Jonathan will likely eke out a victory in the February 2015 presidential election; but it will not be without first being bloodied and rendered battle weary. The  president's anticipated victory is hedged on the fact that  Bola Tinubu offered Nigerians a counterfeit candidate who is not good for the current democratic dispensation in the  country, an anathema called Muhammadu Buhari, otherwise the current hydroplaning of Project Jonathan 2015 would have been a non salvageable crash. Imagine what a battle royal, a contested election between APC candidate Rotimi Amaechi and Goodluck Jonathan would have been? But for the APC fatal mistake, the fate of 'Jonathan-OUT 2015' would have been a fait accompli - signed, sealed and delivered, in an election lost and lost woefully come Valentines day 2015. But it will not be so anymore as President Jonathan will win a second term, no matter how narrowly, and tens of Olusegun Obasanjos notwithstanding. 

However the 2015 election would go down in history of Nigeria as the first time an incumbent president would be going into an election without carrying a resounding controlling lead in any of the regions in the country. Also neither could he be said to be enjoying a full 100% control of any of the six political regions including his Southsouth zone.  Icheoku laments that even his home state of Bayelsa State, is now apparently in play because of the alleged power tussle between the State Governor Dickson and the president's wife Dame Patience. Then add Rivers State and Edo State which are both in the hands of opposition party governors. 

The president is also not in solid control of the Southeast region either as the people are gradually becoming disaffected with the Jonathan experiment because of too many promises not fulfilled. Ditto the Southwest where his enraged godfather is from and which is also the opposition's strong base. When Icheoku adds the North Central region which the president no longer fully controls as was the case in the past; and his irredeemable very low rating in both the Northeast and Northwest regions, then Icheoku wonders why he is further adding gasoline to the fire with him on the skewer by further drawing Obasanjo and his acerbic mouth further out? 

But still, a fledgling weakling Jonathan is a far better and more preferred option than the Nigerians' nemesis numero uno, called  Muhammadu Buhari.  Nigerians therefore would vote under advisement of this consequential fact, as a change from democracy to a dictatorship is not a good change and not the type of change already free Nigerians would take or accept at this time.  Nigerians are too far gone into enjoying their democracy-bred freedom and liberty, to now willfully submit themselves to a slavish chains and shackles under the other guy. Icheoku agrees that Nigerians would rather live free than live like rats in dark tunnels, hiding for fear of being run-over as roadkill by a government out to prove it is tough enough. Nigerians have travelled through the road to perdition before and would not gladly jump up at the offer of a repeat experience. 

Finally, with a 2015 Buhari's defeat, Nigerian would have forever sealed the faith of the last man standing, of the three retired trouble making army generals, who think and see Nigeria as their private fiefdom with which they can do as they please. Obasanjo is forever gone and now wandering in confusion into his sunset; Babangida is permanently retired by June 12 from any and every national political participation in Nigeria and with only Buhari now left, he deserves to be similarly permanently retired too. So February 14, 2015 will be a good time to 'mission accomplish' this objective so that Nigerians can thereafter truly live free and independent of these men's machination. Icheoku says President Jonathan, no more verbal attacks or exchange of words with Obasanjo; just leave the old man alone!

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