Friday, January 9, 2015


"The Ogoni people have put environmental issues long before now, the Ogonis have been betrayed by the federal government but thank God you have finally recognized the powers in your hands.  The fortunate thing is that for the first time you are going to be talking to a man (Buhari) who represents the very best in the human race, a man who is totally incorruptible and a man whose middle name is discipline." - John Odigie Oyegun, Chair APC. 

Icheoku says never in the recent history of Nigeria and their motley "men of God", has a man, supposedly an ordained pastor of "God", purposefully misled or failed to tell the truth to a people, his party is seriously courting, wooing and trying to persuade and hoodwink into voting for their candidate? APC Chairman "Pastor" John Odigie Oyegun told the people of Ogoni how Muhammadu Buhari is the messiah they have been waiting for. How Buhari would wave his magic wand and miraculously everything ever done wrong to Ogoni people would be undone, including possibly bringing back to life Ken Saro Wiwa and the Ogoni Nine? 

However the same Odigie Oyegun failed at full disclosure, by not revealing the dark sides of the man he is desperately trying to sell to the Ogoni people. Odigie Oyegun failed to tell Ogoni people that the man who murdered their hero Ken Saro Wiwa and nine of their compatriots, the midget of Kano, Sani Abacha, was a right hand man of Muhammadu Buhari. Odigie yegun also failed to disclose to Ogoni people that while their fellow town's men were being persecuted  for daring to stand up for their oil and waiting for the noose to tighten, that the same Muhammadu Buhari stayed mute and did nothing; and neither urged Abacha to temper justice with mercy nor encouraged him to spare the lives of the Ogoni Nine; but instead continued to enjoy the booty of his office as Sani Abacha's appointed Chairman of PTF. 

Icheoku says Odigie Oyegun failed to tell Ogoni people that Muhammadu Buhari and Sani Abacah were fellow conspirators and executioners of the coup that toppled President Shehu Shagari's government in 1983? Odigie Oyegun failed to disclose to the people of Ogoni that the same Muhammadu Buhari, while on a visit to the Kano grave site of Sani Abacha few years ago, eulogized Sani Abacha as the best leader Nigerians ever had? Icheoku therefore queries, if a man, whose one most heinous executive act as head of the military junta was the murder of Ogoni finest, was described by Muhamadu Buhari as the best leader Nigeria ever had, what exactly did Odigie Oyegun then mean when he said that such a man who could describe a murderer as the best leader Nigeria ever had, as "representing the very best in the human race? 

Icheoku says although talk is cheap and words often mere jiving turkey, but Odigie Oyegun certainly lost Nigerians on this. How dare the Bini Pastor insult so many sensibilities by describing a man with Buhari's putrefying pedigree and quantum afterburners of despicable behavior, as the best the human race could offer? Icheoku laments that if this human excrement, who murdered three innocent Nigerians, who overthrew a duly elected democratic government, who foist the most draconian regime on Nigerians, who drastically abridged freedom of speech and who censured even honest and fair comment and criticism of his regime, is an epitome of the best of humanity, then that word must have lost its true meaning. 

Icheoku says with a "very best" like Buhari, no one needs the "very worst"; so Oyegun please give Icheoku the very worst instead. But if only this man of "God" Pastor John Odigie Oyegun knew that "dar is god ooooo" and that HE was in his midst when he wantonly offloaded this bundle of lies on a mesmerized and stupefied people, hopelessly waiting for salvation, but who were looking at the wrong source, Icheoku is certain that he would have at least somehow mitigated the gaffe by qualifying the unmerited encomium that Buhari is the face of the best humanity could offer. But unfortunately, politicians are all the same - a bunch of lying whoring lot, regardless.

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