Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Icheoku says the gory dishes being served all over the world by Boko Haram, ISIS, al-Queida as well as other Islamic terrorist groups is finally now available on the menu in France. Icheoku is expectantly waiting to see how President Francois Hollande and his French security outfits decisively deal with it, admitted the French has had extensive experience dealing with those Islamic crazy-dogs and for so many years. Unfortunately the West including France would neither help in the fight  against nor sell arms to Nigeria as they grapple with their own Islamic terrorism, version Boko Haram? Instead they look the other way as Boko Haram mercilessly massacre innocent Nigerians including high school kids, children and their mothers as well as their fathers. Icheoku says it is the same morphing global Islamic terrorism that has now touched down in Paris, admitted an entirely different Version Hit and Run. The French has now tasted what living in fear actually feels and looks like as Nigeria and other Islamic terrorism infested countries of the world have come to accept as an unavoidable cost of living?

Icheoku says terrorism anywhere is terrorism everywhere, whether in Nigeria's Northeastern Sambisa Forest and Chibok, America's New York City, Russia's Chechnya, Syria's Damascus and/or now as witnessed in Paris, France. The world should come together to collectively and jointly  root it out through a more determined fight to the finish.  In the final analysis, the Paris incident shows that nobody is immunized or inoculated from these random acts of terror by the hate-driven ideology that is Islamic terrorism. Their sadistic perpetrators perceive people of other faiths as infidels that should be put out of their misery by killing them; hence they see themselves doing one heck of a big favor to these victims in order to free them from their sins being alive? Icheoku says nobody is safe from their murderous rampages and not geography or acceptance or tolerance or even attempt at understanding their warped thinking, provides any shield to this their wanton lawlessness; thus leaving the other questions still unanswered, what else can be done to either re-orientate them or decisively defeat them. 

They are daring, they are determined and because life have stopped having any meaning to them , they visit their havoc on both the innocent and the unsuspecting, using the most vicious attack possible and without any care about  the consequence of their act whatsoever. Icheoku says may be the West is not killing them enough or is it about time the West find out from those Israelis how they managed to successfully contain them for so long while living in their midst. It would seem that the more the West ignore them or try to show some understanding, the more impetuous and audacious these scoundrels become. In revving their poisonous pistons, they have managed to put the West in a pickle of not knowing exactly how to completely stop them or when another one of their tragic signature is going to unfold somewhere around or near or that might even consume any person. They are transnational, well financed and well coordinated, determined to the death and seems to lack fear or cowardice while driving this their agenda of fear on the West as the Paris daylight attack attests.

On a final note, Icheoku says to the murdered Stephane Charbonnier and crew of the Charlie Hebdo stable, the world will defend your cause. To the grieving bereaved families of those killed, our sympathies. To the French people, whose leisurely living style, liberty and inviolable freedom, were senselessly and violently violated by this band of jihadist brothers, Icheoku, borrowing the words of President GW Bush, says, the whole world hears you and soon the people that pulled those triggers on those twelve French people would hear from the French law enforcement. They would also get the justice they deserve; which Icheoku hopes would be instantaneous and not litigated out for so long and needlessly wasting additional resources. Like Ismaayi Brimsley, an immediate execution upon contact or sight, would strangely not be out of order and is ideal in the circumstance. 

To the hands of global Islamic terrorism that were used to strike Parisians today, the Kouachi brothers Said and Cherif and their 18year old friend Hamyd Mourad, Icheoku says the hand you dealt Charlie Hebdo is an attack on freedom of speech. But please know that freedom of speech is going nowhere otherwise ask North Korea's Kim Jong-un why The Interview showed. You did not succeed in your cowardly sneak attack to cower freedom of speech; it is here to stay. If you love your Mohammad so much as to perpetrate such heinous mayhem because of what was drawn or written, what the heck are you still doing in Paris? Why not just crawl back to whichever country or cave that you yearn for, which possibly imparted this idiotic, imbecilic convoluted ideology on you and leave the peace loving Parisians alone. Icheoku says what a big tragedy in Paris this Charlie Hebdo massacre indeed is. 

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