Saturday, October 25, 2014


"Let me assure you that transformation is different from change. They said they have transformed the economy but there are no jobs. They said they have transformed energy but there is no light.  They said they have transformed security but the Northeast is almost gone and they said that have transformed education but out universities are shut down." John Odigie-Oyegun, Chairman APC.

Icheoku says a very beautiful campaign liner indeed, except that the APC is backing a wrong, untamed bronco in Muhammadu Buhari. Icheoku says with such an Islamic agenda fundamentalist record as Buhari's, Buhari does not stand a winnable chance in a national referendum about who will preside over a multi tribal, multi cultural and multi religious country like Nigeria. Icheoku says Buhari also does  not stand a chance among thinking Nigerians, especially those whose "stomach infrastructure" has been fully laid. Icheoku says Buhari does not also stand a chance among those Nigerians old enough to have lived through the nightmare and survived his gulag-themed first military adventure in Nigeria's governance. Icheoku says Buhari does not stand a chance among those Nigerians who treasure their liberties and who do not want the abolition of alcohol or the chopping off of body parts because of a little infraction like stealing a chicken. So like a beautiful golden casket does not change the fact of its dead content, so also will a well thought out sloganeering not help a politically damaged Buhari.

Icheoku says the fear of imposition of Sharia in Nigeria is real and pervades the polity like an un-lifting dark-cloudy fog. Icheoku says the fear of Buhari canceling everything in the pipeline including the few working policies of the present government, like he cancelled the Jakande era Lagos Metro project, is also real. Icheoku says the fear of a vengeful Buhari going amok with vendetta against his real and imaginary enemies is also real. Icheoku says the rule number one of survival is to not help bring about the threatening ominous opportunity, hence Nigerians will avoid like Ebola, any situation that will expose them to such detrimental possibilities through a Buhari's coming to power again. With Buhari's antecedent, every Nigerian know what the deal is, so why poke danger in the eye by giving him power to destroy people he disagrees with?  So, believing that the man who owns, runs and dictates to everyone in the APC, Bola Tinubu, is fully aware of all these shortcomings of candidate Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku  says please Bola Tinubu, DO NOT SCREW this 2015 opportunity to have a truly competitive national election in Nigeria. 

Icheoku truthfully speaking, indeed believe that a good opposition candidate would give President Jonathan a run for his money as his performance in office is near mediocre;  BUT maintains that such candidate must not be or have a Buhari as his last name. Say no to Buhari, say no to taking Nigeria three decades back. Nigerians, forward ever and  backward never. Please Nigerians you don't have to vote because you like Jonathan, just vote against and in order to stop the train wreck that is a Buhari's second coming. It is only banana republics that goes so way back to find a near senile washed-out ex-leader to lead them. The last time Icheoku checked, it is not all that bad in Nigeria in terms of finding a viable effective leader to propel the country forward. 

Image is still about almost everything, so why settle for a barely-literate army man for someone who has a PhD, admitted in Zoology. But do not take Icheoku's word for it, just do some googling yourself to see the prestige involved in "The president of my country has a PhD" as opposed to "The president of my country has a pfi and is a former army coup plotter who desecrated the institution of democracy in Nigeria. How about that friends for motivation. So please  Nigerians get involved today in anyway whatsoever in helping to educate those still undecidedly quivering on the fence as to why Muhammadu Buhari is a wrong candidate for the APC and a flawed choice for Nigeria. Nigeria is moving forward and going back is not and should not be an option in 2015. Say no to Buhari and please let Bola Tinubu know that Nigerians say NO to a BUHARI's second coming. Icheoku says John Oyegun, please find an acceptable candidate to market to Nigerians in 2015v with this beautiful campaign sloganeering. Icheoku likes it but without candidate Muhammadu Buhari.

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