Thursday, October 23, 2014


Icheoku says give it up to Nigerians and the things they do? Just  when the Ebola Virus Disease fame or rather notoriety was beginning to die down, here comes a Nigerian jumping over the White House fence? Luckily he was not shot dead owing to the numerous breaches of that perimeter fence which have put the Secret Service on trigger-edge and the fact that President Obama was in residence at the time of the incident. 

Dominic Adesanya, a 23 year old son of a Nigerian father, scaled the fence of the White House in his attempt to have a personal audience with President Barack Obama? Icheoku says possibly the young Adesanya thought that since the president looks like him or rather like his father, he reserved the right of an audience with the president? Except that he went about it in a wrong manner,  trespassing a restricted area, otherwise nothing in fact stops Mr Adesanya from holding court with the president provided he observed required protocols? Anyway, mental illness is to blame; a sickness which appears to be on the increase in America as this guy allegedly was hearing voices and wanted to let the president in on some of the things he felt would help the president succeed, one might add? 

Dominic Adesanya, the latest addition to this now growing numbers of White House jumpers, has since been charged to court with misdemeanor trespassing of a restricted building and for injuring a Secret Service dog; and if convicted might be imprisoned for up to one year on each count. Icheoku says except this young man needs treatment and not incarceration as no sane person would, fully aware of the implications and consequences of jumping the White House fence, embark on it anyway. According to his father, Dominic's problem is in his head and Icheoku agrees he manifested someone without full control of his faculties. Icheoku says like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber, Dominic Adesanya, another Nigerian, has suddenly become world famous but for the wrong reason. Icheoku says it is quite unfortunate it happened.

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