Sunday, October 26, 2014


Icheoku once again finds himself agreeing with the man, whose thought alone causes me serious internal convulsion and  repulsion, in opposing the arrant nonsense that is Muhammadu Buhari's declared disposition towards running with a fellow Muslim, as both presidential and vice presidential candidate of the APC, in the forthcoming 2015 election. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari might as well run with a fellow Northerner, possibly El Zaki Zaki, as his vice presidential candidate since he does not seem to find anything wrong in so flagrantly defying certain sensibilities in Nigeria? 

Icheoku says the contemplated running of a Muslim-Muslim ticket is as good as running an all Northern Nigerians ticket for crying out loud. But hopefully, voices of reason in the APC, who still mean well for a one united, multi-cultural and multi-religious Nigeria, will help Buhari to see reason on why his position is fraught with all manners of dangerous permutations and connotations. Buhari did it with Idiagbon but no one elected them; Abiola and Kingibe were both Muslims both they were neither fanatical zealots nor was the religious climate as ominous then as it is now. Icheoku says neither Muhammadu Buhari nor anyone else could pull off that same-adherents' candidacy wool over the eyes of now sensitized, primed and ever-watchful Nigerians and expect to get way with it. Icheoku says not this time and not in the life of Nigeria as is presently constituted and still existing.

Fortunately, Baba Iyabo has now added his voice to all those calling on Muhammadu Buhari to tone down his religious fanaticism and begin to understand that Nigeria is bigger than just Daura, Katsina and the entire Islamic Northeastern Sharia states. Icheoku recalls when Niger State Governor Babangida Aliyu was forced to remind Buhari that there are other parts of component Nigeria that did not vote for him in 2007; so he should stop believing that just because he won election in the core Muslim North means he was elected president of Nigeria. Anyway, now that Olusegun Obasanjo has told Muhammadu Buhari to check his religious excesses and tone deafness, Icheoku hopes that Buhari would listen and learn henceforth how to indeed by truly a centrist Nigerian and without unmitigated bias to Muslim Northeast Nigeria. 

Here below find Olusegun Obasanjo's admonition to Muhammadu Buhari against any attempt to carry out his threat to run an all Islamic presidential ticket in 2015 :-

"Sensitivity is a necessary ingredient for enhancement of peace, security and stability at this point in the political discourse and arrangement for Nigeria and for encouraging confidence and trust. It will be insensitive to the point of absurdity for any leader, or any political party to be toying with Muslim-Muslim or Christian-Christian ticket at this juncture. Nigeria cannot at this stage raise the specter and fear of Islamization or Christianization. The idea of proselytization in any form is a grave danger that must not be contemplated by any serious-minded politician at this delicate  situation in Nigeria, as this time is different from any other time. Therefore, disregarding the fact that there are fears that need to be allayed at this point, will amount not only to insensitivity of the highest order but will also amount to very bad politics indeed."

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