Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Icheoku says when one thinks he has heard it all from Buhari, the veteran presidential candidate, now on his fourth attempt to hoodwink Nigerians and sneak back into Aso Rock, has thrown the mother of all statements. Muhammadu Buhari said he will abolish 'QUOTA SYSTEM' and 'FEDERAL CHARACTER' policies of the Federal Government of  Nigeria! Icheoku says Nigerians should either believe this guy at the pain of a future disappointment or just treat it for what it is - another blow hot political pandering of a desperate politician? Apparently, to say that Buhari is desperate for the office is understating his near exasperation as the man from Daura is near psychotic in his desire to re-assume the presidency of Nigeria. As a result, whatever he could say or do that brings Aso Rock's doorway nearer, is a good gambit and the man is deploying them in quantum-loads. 

Muhammadu Buhari is now morphing into everything and anything to everybody depending on what moves the needle of their politics. Just tell Buhari what it is about him that you disagree with or which you are against and Buhari will magically appear on its opposite side as its campaigner and advocate in chief? Such has become his forte these days that the proverbial throwing of everything including the kitchen sink is now his strategy in order to sway Nigerians' opinion to swing favorably towards him. Icheoku asks should such a man be trusted and why should Nigerians believe him that he is going to follow through with all these promises when it is legendary that he listens to no one? Who is going to hold him accountable if he does not follow through since he will not be seeking a reelection as promised and therefore has no incentive to do the promised in order to secure a second term? But who is even trusting that an elected Buhari would honor his promised one term only in office, after all he did not keep his promise not to run for office again? 

Icheoku says Buhari is deploying various strategies to help him get him elected. It is a trait common with the  Hausa/Fulani - deploying cheating, lying, deceiving, pretending,  maiming and even killing in order to achieve an objective. Now to the litany of promises and flip flopping of Buhari thus far. To those anti-coup Nigerians who stand unshakably against his candidacy because of his overthrow of President Shehu Shagari's democratically elected government, Buhari in currying their favor, completely disassociated himself from the coup and instead blamed Ibrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha for the putsch?  According to his tale, after the boys risked their necks to pull off the criminal act of a military coup de tat, they collectively "stepped aside" for him to reap where he did not sow? Icheoku says believe that on your own sanity question.  To those Nigerians who said he was too despotic, he said, hell no, it was my second in command Tunde Idiagbon who was an unrepentant viciousness incarnate. Unfortunately Idiagbon, who was poisoned in Aso Rock, is no longer alive to defend himself; but anyone believing this Buhari's tale, must first have to check his head for some misfiring neurons. 

To those Nigerians who assailed him for murdering those three innocent Nigerians based on a retroactive death decree, Buhari denied complicity and indeed blamed Supreme Military Council for insisting that those Nigerians be murdered? Icheoku says really? To those Nigerians who blamed Buhari for decree 4 and for the imprisonment of Tunde Thompson and Nduka Irabor, Buhari said his government was only protecting civil servants in order to create a conducive atmosphere for them to function properly? Icheoku says what a tale by the moonlight except that Nduka Irabor and Tunde Thompson seem to have been 'settled', the Nigerian way; as they have maintained sealed lips on the Buhari question thus far. 

Muhammadu Buhari also denied that he is not an Islamic fanatical zealot by pointing at Chuba Okadigbo, Edwin Umezoke and Pastor Tunde Bakare as all Christians he has ran for office of the presidency with over the years? Except that he did not go further to explain why he supported the introduction of SHARIA in Northwestern Nigeria and similarly prohibited the drinking of beer before 5.00pm during his first time in power throughout Nigeria including Christian Southern Nigeria? Buhari has also not explained why he forced his wife into a life in Purdah as Nigerians wonder in the event of his win, who will serve as Nigeria's First Lady, unless he plans to also proscribe the office? 

Now to the latest of his bombshell, meant as red meat for all those overachieving Nigerians who are anti quota system and federal character, Buhari promised to go hard on those almajiris Northerners who are demanding equal opportunity when they are not as qualified? Icheoku says to Buhari, please tell that to the marines as we are not buying into the tale and anyone who believes that Buhari will see this promise through might as well believe in snake oil salesmen. Listen to Muhammadu Buhari on the issue of quota system and federal character catchment policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria. Policies which routinely sacrifices merit on the alter of trying to carry Northerners along, resulting in over qualified Southern students not getting placements in Universities and colleges in order to make room for mediocre Northern students and which deny appointments to over qualified Southerners for beginner Northerners. Hear Muhammdu Buhari now in his own words:-

"I think it is important in the federation when you come to the centre, it is better for people to feel that they too are participating at the centre. But it must not be at the expense of standards. Any geopolitical zone or state, if they want their people to participate at the centre, must ensure they can compete professionally. You can't take somebody who did not go to school or who said he went to the university but cannot write a two-page memo, to become a permanent secretary. How will he do it? How can he articulate policies that will be taken to executive council to be debated by ministers? We really have a problem. We have to remove sentiments and not excite or provoke our constituencies that they have to participate. You can only participate if you develop the capacity to participate." - Muhammadu Buhari, APC Presidential candidate contender (The Cable Interview).

Icheoku says those are Buhari's own exact words as he claims he will stop unqualified and under qualified, as well as incompetent Hausa/Fulani Northerners from getting special 'handicapped' treatment in Nigeria. By this, Buhari has promised to ban the skewed 'quota system and federal character' policies and replace it with an all comers, open season, qualified, competency and ability test. Icheoku says of all that Buhari has so far said and promised, this sounds most far reaching and encouraging; except that in silly season of politics, politicians would promise to even raise one's dead mother in order to get one's vote. Nigerians, like every other peoples in other democracies know better that politicians, the lying scoundrels of society they are, readily forget they ever made some promises once the election has come and gone until the next episode. 

Icheoku says to hell with Buhari and his truckload of promises as his second coming can only drag Nigerians thirty something odd years back. Who wants Nigeria to go back to the time when there was still 'Union of Socialists Soviet Republics; who wants to continue the ding dong one step forward, two steps backwards that has been Nigeria's modus operandi for sometime? Definitely not Icheoku and not anyone seriously interested in a new dawn for Nigeria. Nigerians please reject Buhari and let Bola Tinubu know that Nigerians do not want a Buhari flying the APC presidential candidate flag this 2015.

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