Tuesday, October 28, 2014


In Buhari's own words:- 
"Secondly the American president then, Ronald Reagan, sent his friend, General Walters, to me saying we should accept the IMF program." - Muhammadu Buhari, APC presidential candidate wanna be. 

Icheoku says since Ronald Reagan first term, America has had four years of his second term, four years of George Bush Sr, eight years of Bill Clinton, eight years of George Bush Jr and now six years of President Barack Obama. That is a total of thirty two long years, yet the man who ruled Nigeria then, when Ronald Reagan  of America and Margret Thatcher of Britain held sway in the world wants to rule Nigeria again? Query, what manner of a banana republic country would readily rehabilitate such a 'centurion' back into their policy chair as the wonk in chief? Please Nigerians, you can do better by doing away with this great grandfather as your president. Say no to Buhari, tell Bola Tinubu that Nigerians will not accept a Muhammadu Buhari's presidential candidacy of the APC. 

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