Thursday, October 30, 2014


Icheoku says President Goodluck Jonathan goes into Election 2015 with a huge leg up over Muhammadu Buhari. In addition to power of incumbency and limitless cash base, Buhari's North is too fragmented to mount any serious challenge with a bloc vote. There is the Boko Haram North? There is the Hausa/Fulani North? There is the Cattle rearers North that has been killing the other Norths? There is the Christian North? There is the different Islamic sects' North? There is the Progressive New North? There is the Conservative Old North? There is NEC North? There is NEF North? There is the Almajiri/Talakawa North and of course there is the perpetually oppressed and ever marginalized Middle Belt North. Icheoku says galvanizing all these Norths into a united one North for Muhammadu Buhari, to serve as a bull walk against Jonathan, might be an unattainable uphill task. 

But unlike the fragmentation problem Buhari will be facing in the North, President Jonathan for most part, does not face similar "to your tents Oh Israel" problem in the South? So, aside of the Bola Tinubu showboat shenanigan, the South is united in their desire to continue to drive the narrative on the future of Nigeria. The South, although not openly mouthed in some quarters, is proud that finally an educated person is at the helm of affairs after such a long time of ill-educated "itinerant do or die" leaders of the past, including the semi-illiterate army personnel Muhammadu Buhari. So when the chips are down, the South would come together and overwhelmingly cast their lot with Jonathan as opposed to Buhari whose antecedent is of a general knowledge. Equally in the South, both Christians and Muslims as well as animists and none believers are getting along very well and are not killing themselves. As a result there is no seething bad blood to create any wide chasm of suspicion and/or political insecurity between the disparate Southerners to result in an antagonistic anti-Jonathan voters' outrage. But please tell Icheoku which true son or daughter of Plateau or Benue State that would vote for Miyetti Islam to continue pillaging, destroying their farmlands, maiming and killing their people? 

It is also worth noting that many Nigerians would, mindful of the ever restive Niger Delta terrorists who have mellowed down lately, vote for Jonathan in the interest of their-insured relative peace continuing. That way, it will be safe for everyone and anyone coming after the Niger Delta South-south has completed their term, as they will no longer have any reason to turn off the spigots. This Election 2015, Icheoku predicts that President Jonathan will trump Buhari and if the Hausa/Fulani do not like the outcome, let Nigerians revisit the Gideon Orkar manifesto. Say no to Buhari and please let Bola Tinubu know that Nigerians say "baa bu Buhari." Never again for this Buhari whose medicine Nigerians have tasted before and not in the lifetime of this Nigeria as is presently constituted and still trudging on. Icheoku reiterates that Muhammadu Buhari is so yesterday and the future of Nigeria cannot be safely anchored in his  arthritis ravaged phalanges. At 75 years, the septuagenarian has nothing to offer Nigerians as his brain has begun the process of calcification and their neurons are no longer firing optimally. Icheoku says instead of Aso Rock, Nigerians should send Buhari to a senior care facility to live out his sunset years in peace! AWAY WITH BUHARI!

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