Saturday, November 1, 2014


Icheoku says who knows what Buhari told Tinubu was the reason why he cancelled the Lagos Metro Rail project or did Bola Tinubu not demand an explanation before his current Buharimania? Imagine Buhari, so meanly and without any care for its attendant benefit to Lagosians whatsoever, dismissing a futuristic, palliative project that would have drastically reduced if not resolved the ever traffic logjams on Lagos roads. Even when Buhari was reminded of the hefty cost-implication of over sixty million dollars in interests and charges alone for arbitrarily canceling the project,  which project cost was not even being borne by his then Federal Government, the wicked, lean and mean Cassius still ordered its cancellation anyway. 

Now could somebody please tell Icheoku that this Buhari is the same Buhari whom Bola Tinubu is supporting after what he did to his Lagos State? Late Gbolahon Mudashiru, a Lagosian, then Lagos State military administrator, tried to do good by and for Lagosians by persuading Buhari to see reason on why the project should not be cancelled. But Bola Tinubu, a claimed Lagosian and former civilian governor of the same Lagos State is now cavorting with the enemy of Lagos State instead, and is not asking Buhari the tough questions? Icheoku asks why not? Why the sellout Bola Tinubu and the ghost of Mudashiru cries out from the grave, please Lagosians and Nigerians STOP BUHARI.

Icheoku concludes that this Bola Tinubu must have sold his soul to the devil with his support for Muhammadu Buhari, despite Buhari's lack of democracy credentials and a fact of general knowledge that Buhari parades a litany of very anti-peoples antecedents. Icheoku asks why would any thinking person cancel such a laudable project that would have placed Lagos State on a solid footing by helping alleviate its chronic transportation problem as well as attendant traffic jams. Icheoku urges Nigerians to be both wary and vigilant of this unholy alliance between Muhammadu Buhari and Bola Tinubu and guard their democracy as mother hen would her chicks. The two ideologically polar-opposites banding together, can only be for one thing and one thing only, a mischievous gang up that portends evil for Nigeria as we know it. This two men are wolves masquerading as sheep and while Tinubu would loot Nigeria dry, Buhari will finish what he started in December 31st 1983 - a complete emasculation of Nigerians. 

Please Nigerians do not let this apocalyptic nightmare descend and cover the country's rising sun; do the NEEDFUL to stop these men cold before they irreversibly turn things upside down on their heads in Nigeria. This 2015, remember the Lagos Metro Rail project when you cast your ballot. Say no to Buhari, 'baa abu' Buhari. Say to Buhari, not this time and not in any future time of a Nigeria as is presently constituted and still existing, even if on a life support. What a heartless conniving and contriving serpent this mullah from Daura is whose zealotry for spreading Islam throughout Nigeria is feverish and he confessed as much. 

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