Sunday, June 1, 2014


Icheoku says America, America, America, what has befallen us that suddenly we have done a 180 degrees and now negotiating with terrorists, contrary to our age-long policy of not doing so? Icheoku does not know whether it is the beginning of the recently announced foreign policy rejig of the Obama administration, but if this is what is in the pipeline, then things can never be the same again. What message is American sending globally to those terrorists who will now gun for Americans and their service men to take them hostage for a negotiated ransom? Icheoku says we do not know about you, but this new Obama's foreign policy doctrine smells like a policy of weakness and not strength; and we urge the Congress to do something about it before it sends our foreign partners and friends alike scampering away from us in fear of our not being able to meet future obligations to them. It will also embolden those who are intent on doing harm to us that at best, they will come off with a negotiated exit with those Americans? Icheoku says what a day - a day America's policy of not negotiating with terrorists died and it was under President Barack Hussein Obama's watch!

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