Sunday, June 1, 2014


Icheoku decries and denounces Olusegun Obasanjo's self-effacing statement concerning MKO Abiola June 12th 1993's election's annulment and his attendant death as a complete hogwash. Icheoku says that Obasanjo's statement is too little too late, condescending, shallow, not genuine or sincere, a mockery of decency and as always, bears the hallmark of the usual Obasanjo's signature in depravity. Icheoku says if Obasanjo truly meant what he belatedly acknowledged now, concerning Abiola's denied mandate and struggle for democracy in Nigeria, that Abiola died for Nigeria, why didn't Obasanjo recognize and honor him when he was president for "sacrificing for Nigeria?" At least there is a word in the dictionary called posthumous, assuming Obasanjo could not and did not find any way to honor a dead man? But two decades later, did icheoku hear Obasanjo spit out what?

Icheoku begs to differ and disagrees with Obasanjo that Abiola died for Nigeria; and says that if Abiola died for anything, he died for Obasanjo who became president on the back of Abiola's mandate. So put in another way, Abiola technically died for Obasanjo's presidency because without Abiola's mandate or it being stolen, there would have never been an Obasanjo's presidency, which was a contraption clobbered to assuage Yoruba's supposed hurt feeling for Abiola's loss? Icheoku maintains that although Nigerians voted overwhelmingly for MKO, he did not die because of Nigeria, but because "he was not the messiah needed in Nigeria at that time" according to Obasanjo. icheoku is emphatic that Olusegun Obasanjo literally conspired with other sadistic players, both in Nigeria and abroad, to sabotage that very unique mandate which was freely given to Abiola by a broader spectrum of Nigerians, from North to South and from East to West, both Muslims and Christians, Animists and the non-religious alike. It was a total mandate except that the Nigerian Nemesis Group to which Obasanjo belongs, not meaning well for Nigeria, refused and did not respect the wish of Nigerians and they plotted to deny it and they denied it, which eventually culminated in the death of the mandate holder, Abiola. 

But unfortunately, Nigerians are now witnessing and inadvertently permitting Baba Iyabo's attempt to rewrite the script, trying to edit himself out of the ignoble role he played in that perfidy of an annulment. 

Icheoku emphasises that but for the complicity of Obasanjo and the Yoruba nation, Abiola would have reclaimed his mandate and been sworn in as president of Nigeria. Regrettably, when Abiola finally summoned the courage and threw his hat in the ring to struggle for his mandate, the Yoruba nation, to which Olusegun Obasanjo belongs, did not back him, they deserted him. Instead of helping and supporting Abiola to reclaim his mandate, Obasanjo was in South Africa defending the annulment and stating that Abiola was not the messiah Nigerians needed at that time? Some of Yoruba top heavies were also queuing up at Aso Rock and making out like bandits on the back of the mandate. Many of Yoruba politicians, in lieu of actualising the mandate, also accepted and served as ministers under Abacha; likewise were some of their Obas complicit in killing the mandate, who in exchange of various sizes of pots of porridge, told Abiola to take a hike. This development influenced the recent Bola Tinubu's declaration that so many Yoruba Obasa are "USELESS" just few weeks ago. Icheoku regrets that Bola Tinubu did not add former Yoruba president as well as some Yoruba politicians in that condemnation? According to Wole Soyinka, history is kept for a reason and it is, in addition, to make people who would otherwise deny their past activities wary and circumspect. But the shameless Otta deity, like GW Bush, does not give a damn about history to worry about the fact that his sudden u-turn position now on the Abiola's mandate is a polar opposite of his earlier position during the then annulment. Nigeria, we hail thee! I am Icheoku and I approve this message.

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