Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Icheoku says with a promise of nolle prosequi and lucrative contracts, the rabble rouser and foul-mouthed Femi Fani Kayode has made a u-turn and returned back to the party he previously chastised, upon exit, as being too corrupt and clueless and incapable of running the country? So Icheoku wonders what has changed about the now newly "beloved" party of Kayode that was once at the barrel end of Kayode's smoking rifle? Has corruption abated or gone away under their watch? Has President Jonathan's crew suddenly become reinvented, clued and now eminently capable of running the country? How about the issue of security of lives and properties which Kayode also gave as reason for departing from the PDP before he began his now defunct although short lived dalliance with the APC? Icheoku posits that whatever epiphany Femi Kayode underwent before and after the APC foray was not real but rather was a byproduct of fogged disillusionment which made his perception of facts unreal and his judgment rascally. 

Any keen observer who followed the road traveled by this junketeer as he made his way out of PDP to the APC and now this latest b-line back to swallow his vomit, will agree with Icheoku that the thick-lipped Kayode is nothing but a humming bird that thinks himself an eagle? All the reasons he adduced for leaving PDP are still presently unsolved and all the reasons he gave for now also leaving APC were there before he joined them? So which shade of Kayode are Nigerians watching or is it merely his hologram dancing naked in the village square? Icheoku emphasises that FFK is nothing but a hollering monkey whose high decibel noise forces curiosity from people and thus not understanding that there are other reasons why people look at people short of admiration, he pats himself on the back that he is the most sort after bribe and like the lizard nods his head in approval of his political escapades? 

But Kayode prostituting himself through political parties is not the core issue here, what is in issue is the funny reasons he just gave for leaving APC to return back to the PDP? 

Icheoku says two things are possible here - either this Kayode is as Wole Soyinka pointed out, manifesting early signs of the lunacy which runs in their family or he thinks there is no records kept of his past party desertions. Further he possibly thought that APC will morph its colors like the chameleon and not remain the spotted leopard which is so proud of its spots that it does not change it? So while Kayode rehashed all the attributes of the APC as reasons for moving back to the PDP, he forgot that he was preaching to a Nigerian choir that is now saturated-heavy with hearing about APC, about APC. Those APC attributes have not changed but remained a constant as far as Nigerians know of APC. Then to further amaze and bamboozle his scanty audience, Kayode said that the Muslim/Muslim ticket being planned by the APC did it for him and he has to leave because such is an unthinkable political suicide for the party? Icheoku admonishes that no weighty politician relies on mere rumours to make such impulsive decisions such as party hopping and crossovers. Instead most timber and caliber politicians of note, conflicted by such rumoured development, would have weighed in to diffuse it and in any other event, waited until it is confirmed or becomes a reality before jumping ship. Icheoku queries what if APC had no plans or decided to do  right by every religion in Nigeria by balancing their ticket with a Muslim/Christian or Christian/Muslim ticket, would Kayode then apologise and return back to APC? 

The funny thing with this his no-reason reason, is that he also claimed to be a heavy-hitter in the APC and icheoku wonders if he actually enjoyed such status and belonged to the inner caucus of APC, why couldn't he confirm the rumour from within, either through Bola Tinubu or Buhari and if true, insist that it must not and shall not happen in his APC? Except that the loquacious and boastful and haughty Femi Kayode once admitted that much that he is just a mere outsider in the APC when he told a tale of how he once visited Bola Tinubu at his Awolowo Road residence in Ikoyi. According to him, he was laying on a sofa watching television when Bola Tinubu excused him, took Buhari, Masari and Fashola into an inner room to discuss pressing party matters while he stayed where he belonged - in the periphery of the APC. Now Icheoku asks what is the political utility of Kayode that his return to PDP matters or should matter when he couldn't even secure a gubernatorial ticket of his party in his Osun home State? What office has Femi Fani Kayode ever ran for and won in order to test his political clout other than being sired by a political force from the Western region of the sixties? 

icheoku says certain things, unlike genes, are not inherited or transferable; and therefore it does not follow that because your father was this and that, that you automatically also becomes this and that yourself by reason of your pedigree? Where are Awolowo's children today holding court in Yorubaland politics? Where are Zik's children today holding court in Igboland; ditto Ahmadu Bello's children as well as the offspring of other professionals - be it law, medicine or business? Therefore it is about time Femi Fani Kayode proved his political mettle short of his political savvy father, whose name he is riding like a mini king.

Anyway the shame is not President Jonathan's nor Chairman Muazu's PDP but that of the man who spat on the ground and later crawled back on his all fours to lick it up. After casting disparaging aspersions on the PDP filled with swines, now he has rejoined the pigsty to rumble with his fellow pigs - those were his words not Icheoku's. Icheoku says Femi Fani Kayode is not a politician and if, is merely paper-weight weightless political nymph. Femi Fani Kayode also does not have any following or clout to be of any value-added beneficial quality to the PDP with his return. At best, he is but a random political swinger, who gyrates tethering on the political elephant-grass, according to the direction of the wind. Wherever the wind blows him, there he sways and Icheoku will not be surprised to wake up tomorrow morning to hear that the deal he made with President Jonathan to lure him back, not being fulfilled, he has migrated back to the APC; except that the man who owns and runs APC, Asiwaju, is too heavy-handed dictatorial to open the door again for him. Such a scenario will finally and fully baptise him as an Atiku Abubakar's Siamese twin of political irrelevance and rejection in Nigeria. So long FFK.

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