Sunday, May 25, 2014


Icheoku says already feeling intimidated by horses and elephants, then hide, because blue whale is here. At about ten feet long and eighteen inches in diameter, the male blue whale is the most endowed of any living thing of the penile appendage. 

Icheoku says with a phallus like that, what else can any nymphomaniac ask for or be caught being an Oliver Twist? But at 100 feet long and weighing over 170 tons, if not them, who? Icheoku says when it comes to being well hung, please give it up to the male blue whales. But hey, not to worry pin-sized, provided you know how to work it, any equipment can still get the job done; so do not begrudge the Blue whale. Just a simple factoid to add to your bank of knowledge if not already. Also theirs is called DORK and not the P-word. I am Icheoku and I approve this message!

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