Sunday, May 25, 2014


"Our son Chris and six others are dead. Our family has a message for every parent out there. You don't think it'll happen to your child until it does. Chris was a really great kid. Ask anyone who knew him. His death has left our family lost and broken. Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights. What about Chris's right to live? When will this insanity stop? When will enough people say 'Stop this madness, we don't have to live like this'? Too many have died. We should say to ourselves, not one more." 
 - Richard Martinez, bereaved father of Santa Barbara shooting victim that claimed the lives of six innocents plus the depraved gunman's. 

Icheoku says until the NRA becomes more sensible and sensitive to the plights of American families, traumatized by senseless gun violence, nothing meaningful can ever be done to curb gun ownership and/or institute reasonable gun control measures in our gun-infested and violence-plagued American society. What a pity indeed that additional American families are now forced to travel through this now familiar terrain of agony, brought about by a crazed-out pervert who decided to take other people along with himself while making his exit from this thing called life. Indeed, it is regrettable. 

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