Saturday, May 24, 2014


Icheoku says give it up to these rich white kids who feel so entitled that they often go crazy if their wants are not met or wishes granted swiftly? Imagine a 22 year old boy, unable to successful woo any girl into the sac, decided to take his anger and frustration out on innocent people by shooting and killing them? Icheoku queries whatever happened to finding a trick to pay for sex or even using a dating service to score some? Why must this pervert resort to killing people to register his difficulty and inability to smooth talk girls into spreading for him? It sounds silly and it does not make sense that some people had to die for the "sins" of others since they were not the ones that turned his overtures down, assuming it is now an offense to refuse or reject such gestures? 

Looking more closely at the pervert's picture, Icheoku now appreciates why no girl wanted to date or sleep with this animal. He looks too sissy; he looks a girlie-man and most likely turned those girls off instead of turning them on with amorous desires? The guy even looks like he is GAY and Icheoku wonders why he thought any girl would want him, not even with his BMW uber automobile. Icheoku has read and written about so many killings in America and the stupid reasons given or suggested to explain why such hells were let loose, but to kill people simply because sexual gestures were rebuffed or because of one's inability to score dates seems to have outdone all such other previous excuses. Simply put, this excuse would qualify for the mother of all excuses ever proffered by mass murderers of America or even the entire world for crying out loud. Who knows what next excuse is down the pike as killings by gun violence continues in America, unabated and unstoppable primarily due to the actions of the NRA. 

The rampaging forlorn killer, Elliot Rodger, son of a wealthy Hollywood movie director Peter Rodger, in his trail of carrying out his "revenge on humanity," left six people dead - he stabbed three, gunned down two and another as a result of impact with his car. He also injured thirteen people in the process. Icheoku decries the pervert's video stating that he will "take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you" - the people who had 'screwed up his non-existent sex life?' He was lonely, he was isolated and he felt so bottled out and checkmated by love, in a world that is so cold and uncaring, that he took out revenge on the humanity which he blamed for all his woes and troubles. He killed both men and women; and did not confine himself to just killing only the females that allegedly refused to sleep with him, leaving Icheoku to wonder if indeed this guy was in full control of his faculties? If someone made you mad, why not just take it out on that person instead of making the entire terrain your harvesting ground? 

What another sad day in America that some families have yet again lost their loved ones to the unending gun violence that has cast an un-lifting fog over America. However, Icheoku is not against gun ownership, but advocates a more sensible gun control laws to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there was a general gun database, a young person buying several automatic weapons from several outlets would have triggered a concern before the tragedy happened. But no, the gun lobbyists and their sponsors, the National Rifles Association, would have none of that as there is money to be made selling guns and ammunition. Reechoing Richard Martinez, Icheoku paraphrasing, says "when will this insanity end, too many have been killed, when are we going to say as Americans, not any more?" Enough is enough America. But until NRA says amen to this, it is going to remain a scourge without a foreseeable end in sight and gun violence will continue to poach lives in America. Icheoku says what a sad sad truth this is and on another sad day in America. May God bless the dead and comfort the bereaved IJN, Amen. 

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