Saturday, May 17, 2014


Icheoku says Beyonce Knowles Carter is squarely to blame for not putting her crazed-out family member, Solange, on the leech and for not protecting her man, Jay-Z, from her rabid and very violent attack. Any unbiased watcher, who watched that elevator-fight, will agree with late Princess Diana that there are too many people in Beyonce's marriage? Further that her marriage is being crowded out by her full grown-ass sister, who has no business hanging out with the couple? Icheoku says it is about time Beyonce put markers on the grounds and like a heroine, tell her sister to butt out or rather take a hike from her family. Like the popular saying goes, three is a crowd in a marriage and the presence of an unwanted very violent sister makes it rather too over-crowded. 

After watching the video of Solange menacingly ripping into Jay-Z, Icheoku could but draw only one conclusion - that Solange is simply a ghetto bitch, suffering the complexity of an under-achieving inconsequential little girl, who is hounded by her big sister's mega status. At her age and still loitering under Beyonce's shadow, Solange is angry and jealous that while her sister seems to have it all - stardom, fame and a rich husband, she seems to be lost in the desert of unfulfilled dreams. Now she has to act out her frustration by so disrespectfully taking swipe at her sister's man and not caring a hoot its implications, while her sister stood aloof and watched? Icheoku queries:- what was a grown up woman doing keeping company with a happily married couple, regardless of whether or not the female spouse is her sister? Icheoku asks, is Solange not of a marrying age yet and if, where is her own husband to take her frustrations out on; and if not, why can't she just go and find her own man? 

Icheoku says what pissed off everybody who watched the video, including Icheoku, was that this rabid dog Solange was uncontrollable as she pummeled, scratched and karate-kicked Jay-Z. Even as the bodyguard tried to restrain her by carrying her off to one corner of the elevator, she still threw some kicks at Jay-Z, goading him to react. Icheoku also noticed when Jay-Z picked up Solange's fallen purse-like object and tried to hand it over to her, instead of saying thank you Jay and let things simmer down, she again went after Jay-Z. Icheoku observes that while all these melee unraveled, Beyonce stood and watched, taking everything in as if she approved? But what manner of a woman would allow her husband and baby-daddy to be so disrespectfully treated like this by her little sister except she engineered the outcome? But lets suppose that she did not approve of the attack of her sister on her husband, Icheoku asks, why did she not intervene or at least pull her sister apart and demand a cessation of hostilities forthwith and force her to apologise to Jay-Z for her rude aggression? Icheoku says the attack was not only a disrespect to Jay-Z but also a total contempt to Beyonce, whose husband and the man she retires to bed with every night was so disgracefully disrespected by her own very little sister. Icheoku says only a raving lunatic would do what Solange did regardless of whatever may have provoked the assault. 

Icheoku says if Solange is not one ghetto-bred maga dog, what in the hell gave her the impetus to assault her sister's husband and in such a public manner with their bodyguard watching? Icheoku regrets that this elevator-assault is the kind of thing that ultimately leads to divorce as Jay-Z cannot but think that Beyonce was in-cahoot with her sister's disgraceful behavior. Otherwise how else could a spouse explain or try to fathom the attack on him or her by her spouse's family member while that spouse watches and did nothing? Icheoku says it does not matter what Jay-Z did or did not do to warrant Solange's attack, it also does not even matter if Jay-Z personally invited the attack by provoking Solange into a rabid frenzy; no matter the trigger, nothing justifies Solange's laying her filthy hands on her sister's husband, period. If there is something Jay-Z did or there is any issue concerning and involving her sister's husband which she cares a lot about or which worries the daylight out of her, she should as a matter of respectful decency and decorum, channel her concerns through her sister and let her take it up with her man. Icheoku says regrettably, Solange did not mess with the wrong brother otherwise her sorry ass would have been in the hospital, plugged in and with her limbs suspended in strings and fighting for her dear life. If Solange is that wacko, let her mess with a brother like Kanye West or Christ Brown and let her see the daylight smacked out of her brains. Icheoku concludes and says that Beyonce did not do well or right by Jay-Z and Icheoku will not be surprised if this elevator fight snowballs into something not so good - may be it is the harbinger of a rumoured pending divorce, who knows?

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