Sunday, March 2, 2014


Icheoku says when the first Bush moved troops into Kuwait to dislodge Saddam Hussein's army, which snowballed into his execution by America using their minions in Iraq, the excuse then was that Saddam Hussein invaded a sovereign territory of another? That story and its attendant war and lingering sectarian conflict is now for the history books to try and piece together. Now Russia has similarly invaded a "sovereign territory" of another - Ukraine, and all America and their coalition of the willing and the unwilling could do is to condemn it and make threats while Putin's army continue to dig in and call their bluff. Query: what is the difference here warranting the difference in approach between Saddam Hussein's army and the red army now under Vladimir Putin's thumb? 

Anyway, Icheoku is just asking but suffice it to say that the strong and mighty will always have their way while the weak and meek will continue to reel under the crushing thumb of these behemoths as bottom feeders. Icheoku asks is it out of fear of possible defeat by Russia or that these white people do not want to kill themselves in an all out war that is impeding the deployment of the West's army led by America to confront these Russians? Your guess is as good as mine BUT the policy of non meddling in another's sovereign territory should be a one cap fits all and not according to other considerations. Query:- if Nigeria has invaded Cameroon to reclaim its Bakassi for example, would the international community led by France's response be merely to issue threats and demands OR would they have already issued Abuja a 24 hours ultimatum to pull out immediately or face invasion and tomahawks bombardments? Anyway, it is life and it is a jungle out there meant for only the lions and hyenas of this world to thrive and lord it over the rest of all of us, the lesser mortals. 

Ordinarily icheoku would have loved to see the mother of all battles between America led West and Russia come down to real firefights to settle this age long rivalry once and for all. Ukraine provides a perfect opportunity for that scenario to play itself out but in any other event, places like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, etc should better watch it as their threatening big brother CHINA might similarly send in boots to take over their disputed territories since America's West can only bark and not bite? As the Russian invasion of Ukraine unfolds, Icheoku and the rest of the world is watching to see how the Russians are finally persuaded out of Crimea Ukraine. But hey, they have the bomb as well as control gas supply lines to Europe and might as well be said to hold the aces; hence the task at hand might not be an easy one afterall. Oh Putin, the former KGB boss, is back at his game of chess, trying to outwit and outsmart the West and so soon after the Sochi Winter Olympics ended, which the Russians also won or is the metaphor lost on anyone!

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